[@burnski] Beornraed cringe slightly at Alfred's ramblings; he respected his commander greater than any other he'd served, knowing his brilliant strategic mind and the trials he overcame on the battlefield, but some of his behavior was... troubling, at times. "I'll certainly keep my ear to the citizenry, my liege. The day is yet young, but by God's graces, we may see the day peaceful." He watched Alfred ride toward Celnaer Manor, sucking in an uneasy breath when his commander nearly trampled some poor stablehand before the second in command returned to th militia. As was often the case, Banweald leisurely rose from his sleep later than any of his subjects. He donned a blue silk tunic with intricately woven stripes at its hems and fine black boots, and placed a golden garnet circlet upon his head. When Alfred entered the Manor, the lord was just tucking into a breakfast of honeyed ham and fruit pastries, certainly richer than anything the commander would ever see upon his own table. Banweald smiled just slightly at Alfred as he approached. "You certainly hurried here; can't even let me eat in peace?" He asked lightly, rising from the table to address the commander properly. He slapped his comrade's shoulder playfully, seeing his troubled look. "I'm only teasing you, sword-brother. No need to have such a grim look."[hr][@Simple Unicycle] Wilmot nodded in quiet agreement, glancing once more up and down the quiet main road of town. For a moment she seemed once more lost, as if watching someone far down the way, but quickly her attention returned to Garod as he finished speaking. "I apologize, I never introduced myself... my name is Wilmot. May I ask for your name, kind sir?"[hr][@bloonewb] Mildemaer caught the pear and took a joyful bite out of it right away. "Keep it up and soon we'll both be called misers!" She joked to Sibley. She finished the pear quickly and saw her pup eyeing her with begging eyes, and mercifully tossed it the core to gnaw on. She'd already sold the hen to a local farmer for a small sum of gold and silver coins which now was tied at her belt, hanging at the fringe of her tunic. Sitting on the bank by Sibley's boat, Mildemaer turned a silver penny over and over between her fingers. "Sibley, can you read any?"