[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Abandoned House->Clinic[/center][hr][hr] Well Harry couldn't say he didn't expect this outcome. The kind of kids that would roll out to an active crime scene and poke around it in the middle of the day weren't the kind of listen to warnings about safety. And unfortunately he had neither the time, energy or strategy to effectively talk them out of their little plan, especially since he had a new obstacle in getting around in the form of the bleeding gash on his left leg. So with a quick "thank you," he made his way back to his car. As much as he wanted to go talk with the Halsey woman Mrs. Walker had mentioned earlier, the injury really needed to be looked after first. He had seen serious injuries that had become infected when he was a child. Rotten, frostbitten, discolored flesh. Pustules, crusty casings and amputated stumps where fully functioning limbs once were found. Oil workers they may have been, and the situation far more precarious, the images remained transfixed in the back of his head, and he didn't want to end up like one of them. Once securely in his vehicle, he pulled out his phone and quickly looked up the location of the clinic that one of the girls had mentioned. However, when he tried to drive, he found a sudden pain shoot up his leg. Seemed that it didn't like him pushing his foot forward like that to power the accelerator and pump the break. Well there was no way he was going to do something like call an ambulance, or worse, his clients for a ride. So for the time being, he'd take things slow, try to keep his foot stiff as possible, and just suck it up as best as he could until he managed to get to the clinic. It wasn't all that far away, and he'd been through worse before. If there was a real downside to this whole situation, other than wasting time and money he could be spending working on the case, it was that the blood was ruining the interior of his Riviera. It'd take forever to wash out all the bloodstains.