[u][b]Thessir[/b][/u] Another successful escape. Thessir certainly patted himself on the back for slipping out of sight from that one woman, metaphorically speaking. Now that he was no longer occupied he entered a tent and registered. [b]"May I ask what kind of arena are you expecting to fight in? Do you think it'll be a spacious one or not? What about any obstacles?"[/b] The friendly human registration woman approached the question of arena choice, something he'd not expected. "Ooo, you mean we git a say in what arena we do combat in? Does our preferinces have sway? Is it truth?" Thessir was positively giddy with excitement. If it was true that what they preferred could influence the choice of arena setting for them then perhaps he might stand a chance yet. He wore a big grin, bouncing on the heels of his boots. "Well firstly I'd [i]love[/i] it if the arena had a roof. If the arena had nothing else a roof would be just fine. If you can I'd have no lights in there either! Or at least as few as possible. Will there be spectators? Also a small arena would be nice. Very small, very cramped, not a lot of space yes. Also, all the obstacles! Walls! Pillars! Narrow tunnels and traps too! If a section could be submerged in liquid that would be excellent. Really I'll take any obstacles, I love obstacles, well, non-glowing obstacles. Like I said, no lights. No fire stuff is preferred. The best arena would be narrow, cramped and immersed in darkness most pure! Is there any like that? I'm flexible, I would just like a dark arena, something dark with plenty of shadows and dark darkness. Rich inky blessed dark of the blackest caves! Mmmhmhmhmhm!" He was getting excited just imagining an ideal arena for his battles ahead. He was humming and chuckling as he rocked back and forth, leaning onto the edge of the desk which came up to just a bit below his midsection. If even a margin of his preferences could be met he figured he might stand at least a small chance of making it ahead in the battles to come. It took considerable effort not to drool as he daydreamed of tenebrous passages that winded about, spangled in a maze where one could lose their sense of up and down like some sort of massive ant tunnel network. The dark called to him. It was safety. It was home. _ [@PaulHaynek]