[img]https://images.alphacoders.com/711/711905.png[/img] Name: Jewel, aka Miss Fortune Age:23 Motto: Whatever Race: Celestial Dragon Abilities: Lucky Lucky fruit - a fruit bestowing the user with the incredible luck. Weapon: Aegis, a small bear that consumed the shield shield fruit, making the small pet able to transform at will into a living weapon to defend her, even when she doesn't ask for it. Aegis is very protective of his master, and can't stand the thought of any harm coming to her. Jewel would even say that he is overprotective, and can over react to imaginary danger. Bio - Jewel has been blessed with good fortune her entire life, being born into nobility. Her life was set in stone, every piece carefully planned out by overbearing parents, to the point that no surprises remained. This fortune drove her into a deep depression, one day peering down the red line, a drop so far that she couldn't even see the ground. At that moment, she noticed a fruit beside her, and couldn't help but to eat it, hearing that legends that certain fruits held cursed devil's inside them. After consuming the fruit, Jewel leapt from the red line, plummeting to the ground, only to caught in a bubble, gently lowering her to the ground. Her luck would only continue to grow, winning the loyalty of a pet bear that could take the form of a shield, and even an armor bear when half transformed. Craving adventure, she joined a notorious pirate crew, sure that danger would find her, but the captain took to her like her own daughter, since hers has since ran away. Some would call her the luckiest girl alive, but Jewel would disagree. Her luck, in her own words, is the worst curse imaginable, and Jewel spends every moment of her life trying to break that curse. Personality: Jewel spends most of her day mopping around her ship while others and the world pamper her with gifts and admiration. She hides the fact that she is a celestial dragon because revealing her true identity would only cause more misfortune. She gets everything she wants, which causes her not to want that thing. Imagine a popular emo kid that can't ever be hurt. FEELS BAD MAN!