Valentina tapped the metal door behind her for dramatic effect. "I truly with we could, Comrade Vauldis, but I am afraid we are stuck until the powers that be come and let us out. I would truly like to touch base with my parents as well. I am sure my family would assist you in food, unless you simply prefer the hunt. These have apparently become hard times, and the Rom do not forget our friends." She spoke these words with an air of nobility that seemed to be with her always on stage. Despite her age, both as a human and the undead, Valentina had always possessed a way with words and presence. It was often joked that the toreador had had a hand in her making after all when Valentina would walk to the fires after waking and silence a party in anticipation of her stories. It had been humourous before, but as Valentina sat in that cold concrete hole in the dark, it made her uneasy. What good could she do with her words when the country seemed bent on slaughtering itself.