In central Europe, what would be around the Alps mountains in northern Italy there was a cottage situated on the mountainside. Very few people ventured to this small alpine retreat and even fewer would come back to tell the tale. What was known was in that very cottage lived a lady, a maiden by the named of Aurelia. Aurelia was not very known in town south of her abode, but rumor and myth surrounded her very presence. She was believed by many to beith a witch. A sorceress who called upon the very dark forces of nature, as well as an outcast all her life. Nobody wanted to deal with her, everyone was afraid. From her going all over the mountainside at night with very little sleep to the odd aura she had around her as her hair would flow unnaturally and her jade green eyes would glisten into the night. Everyone feared Aurelia. However, all this animosity would soon turn to a boiling point when on her travels the lady discovered a bizarre orb while traveling away from her homestead in the hills. "Ugh, this thing is very heavy..." Aurelia said to herself as she was toting the orb in her hand covered up in a veil to hide it as one would carry a small melon or cantaloupe. She could be seen carrying the round sphere covered up in cloth through the town while having on a hood to veil her own identity. As she moved she head north through the streets while the lady tried to get to the outskirts of town and up to the mountainside. Still, this wasn't easy with her petite and dainty figure. However, she kept on moving and pressing forward to tot whatever it was she was carrying towards her destination.