I introduced myself once. I'd just come back from Vietnam. I was hitching through Oregon and some cop started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods. I had to take them all out. It was a bloodbath. But yeah, it's nice to be here with all of you. I'm Red: a jack-of-all-trades and local blonde anime girl enthusiast. I enjoy reading manga and playing video games while occasionally writing. I roleplayed on forums a lot when I was younger, but it's been a while since I've really involved myself with something. After taking a look around, I would probably be most interested in the Casual level, but I could handle the Advanced level if it was something I really liked and could pour that much energy into. My favorites are fantasy and sci-fi, with mecha being a particularly strong interest of mine. Until I find something I like, I'll probably just be lurking. If you have any RPs you'd like to pitch to me, please feel free to do so!