[center][h2][color=9e0039]Aloysius[/color] & [color=darkturquoise]Emily[/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr]A collab between [@jakeb1993] & [@SouffleGirl123] [b]Location:[/b] Dark Shadow HQ. [b]Date:[/b] 3rd August 2017 [b]Time:[/b] 9.30AM.[hr][hr] The past couple of days had been really hard on Aloysius. It started when his plan to steal the tablet was interrupted by Rebecca, was made worse when Ty was rather bloodily murdered and was further compounded by the conversation that he and Salem had the night before. It seemed as if things were getting worse. Aloysius couldn’t even cry anymore. He had exhausted all of his tears. Instead he was now a lifeless husk. A husk who had spent most of the morning sitting in his office staring at his desk. He was supposed to give people orders now, help plot the downfall of the Guild. But all of that was on hold. Instead, sitting on his desk, he was sitting there and doing nothing. His heart didn’t want to do anything. It just wanted to sit here and sulk. His brain it seemed was more than happy to oblige him. It was only a matter of time until someone came and found him. For now, he was staring at the pencil on his desk, occasionally nudging it with his finger. The prior night didn't end with Emily in another man’s bed, or in a bar for that matter. Instead, she’d bought herself a bottle of whiskey and spent the night of drinking and having a go at the mannequin. A mixture of screaming, a bit of crying and attacking with her body and her powers. After that she’s let her frustration out over Ty. Sure, it still hurt, but it was time to move on. She wasn't much of the moping type. After she slept off the pain and most of the drunkenness and cleaned herself up she found herself back in the meeting room to soon see the sulking body of Al on the other side of his door. Without any warning, knock or gaining permission she swung the door opened. [color=darkturquoise] “Oh, you gotta be kidding me,”[/color] she groans at the pitiful sight of the man, leaning against the side of the doorway. The opening of the door startled Aloysius, pulling him out of his dazed state. He couldn’t focus for a second however and didn’t reply back to Emily straight away. Instead he just rubbed his hair, half in frustration, half in confusion. His mind still hadn’t finished processing the death of Ty yet. [color=9e0039]“Oh, Hi Emily”[/color] He muttered, his voice, monotone and non-descriptive. It was almost as if he had no more feelings inside of him. [color=9e0039]“What you brings you here this morning?”[/color] He asked, still in a daze. Emily watched the man slowly figure out what was happening, well, somewhat figure out, he still seemed totally dazed. She gave a smirked chuckle before stating [color=darkturquoise]“You are truly, truly pitiful right now, you know that right? Even by my standards.”[/color] she strolls over to his desk, [color=darkturquoise]”So much for the ‘brave, powerful magi’, you're acting like no more than a wimp,”[/color] [color=9e0039]“I don’t know anymore. I just don’t. Tys death… Rebecca… Sal…”[/color] He was going to say the last part, but decided to stop and hope Emily didn’t notice, or at least didn’t press him on it. He didn’t need to let Emily know about last night's conversation. [color=9e0039]“Maybe this is all useless. I can’t take over the world if everyone i care for, or fights for me is going to die”[/color] He would let out a soft sigh and look at Emily [color=9e0039]“Maybe Salem is too powerful to deal with. Maybe I have been wrong”[/color] Sal? The fuck did he mean about Sal, sure she knew they had some form of history together but not how deep that ‘history’ was. She was just about to bring him up on it when he went on. [color=darkturquoise]”You need to pull yourself the fuck together, man! You’re more use to everyone as a fucking carcass if you're just gonna mope like this! Ty is dead. He’s gone. You can’t change that. You need to get over yourself and move the fuck on! If he were alive he would [i]not[/i] appreciate your attitude right now!”[/color] she snaps, her voice not quite at a yell yet, but it was building. [color=darkturquoise]”Now, what the hell do you mean by Salem and the fuck does she have to do with this?”[/color] Did he tell her? Did he reveal to her what he had done? Was it worth it. She was already questioning it. Lying would only make her worse. [color=9e0039]“Last night I met with Salem…”[/color] He thought about Ty again. His heart hurting again for a few brief seconds. He wanted to cry. He really did. But it just wasn’t happening, so the sadness was starting to build inside again. [color=9e0039]“I know Ty is gone I know there is nothing I can do to bring him back… We spoke about Rebecca. Me and Salem. I also warned her that Circe had killed a fellow Guild member. It was nothing more than that”[/color] He said defensively, crossing his arms. With that Emily stormed the small distance to Al and backhanded him in the face, the ring on middle finger scratching his face in the process. [color=darkturquoise]”After ALL that bitch has done. This is Rebecca all over again, ain’t it? You’re so stupid and sappy you're just gonna allow yourself to be used and controlled. This place had STRUCTURE a few years ago. Sure, I appreciate chaos, that’s no lie, but this? This is a pitiful mess. This is a pitiful mess because of you! You need to learn to let go and move on because it’s damned this place WAY TOO MUCH!”[/color] She yells. Emily was fuming, honestly she was done with Al’s shit. Done with watching what was essentially her home crumble. The backhand caused a small yelp to jump from Aloysius mouth, the ring leaving a scratch that forced blood to rise to the surface, threatening to spill over. For a moment a flash of annoyance mirrored across his face. [color=9e0039]“HEY! I DON'T CARE how angry you are, you NEVER HIT ME!”[/color] After speaking those words, he fell back into his slump again [color=9e0039]“Besides, I don’t know how to rebuild it anymore. The last time I built up to something worthwhile, Salem destroyed it all. If i do it again, history will repeat itself.”[/color] Emily responds to Al’s comment about her slapping him with banging two fists on the desk in front of her. [color=darkturquoise]”THEN FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!”[/color] she yells, glaring at him before continuing in a hushed tone, [color=darkturquoise]”Because I’m not afraid to do it again a second time,”[/color]. That was when the man slumped into the chair. Em loosened a little but stayed with her hands on the table and leaned forward, toward the man. [color=darkturquoise]”At this rate you're absolutely right. You used to be brave and strong. You used to rule this group well and we were getting somewhere but look at you now. Even the drunkard who doesn't show up all the time pities you. And you go and tell Salem about Circe! You're such a loser. Do you really think this is how Ty would want you to act? You need to just get a grip of yourself!”[/color] [color=9e0039]“A grip of myself!? I am more than aware of what is going on right now!”[/color] He sighed, placing his head in his hands [color=9e0039]“You are right…”[/color] He muttered slowly [color=9e0039]“I am a mess. I can’t be strong enough to lead a group like this in this state”[/color] He started to sound slightly more pumped up, or at least excited about what he was doing. [color=9e0039]“I need to regroup. Possibly get Lana to recruit a few more members… though I wanna iterate again, touch me again and you die”[/color] He threatened, his trademark smirk coming back to his lips. [color=9e0039]“And don’t worry. I won’t let Salem take advantage of me again”[/color] [color=darkturquoise]”That’s th’ spirit,”[/color] Emily replies. [color=darkturquoise]”But I can't promise I’ll never slap you again. You can't really stop me, can ya,”[/color] she replies, straightening herself. [color=darkturquoise]”Good talk, boss.”[/color] she then spins around in preparation to walk off before looking back and saying [color=darkturquoise]”I may not be high in the ranks but y’got to remember I’ve been here from the beginning. The only one who has. I’m not afraid to point out all you're doing worse,”[/color] before turning back and walking toward the door. [color=9e0039]“Thanks Em”[/color] Aloysius spoke out watching her leave [color=9e0039]“I know you have been here since the start… you and Ty….”[/color] He looked down [color=9e0039]“Thanks again… Lana made the right choice didn’t she?”[/color] He asked to himself as Emily was walking out.