[right][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/90b8be1d4280a310eeaa36ff6cf5c205/tumblr_inline_mww0eim8U01r0jzp4.gif[/img] [sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Study[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Night[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Crush] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Hot. Like...I'm on fire right now. Is that too cliché? I can't really think straight...[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY1N2ZiNS5VM0JoY210bFpBLCwuMg,,/vinque.regular.png[/img] [img]https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/fire-sparks-gif-12.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img] [/center] ”[color=dodgerblue]If you want me to stop… say so.[/color]” Her breath seemed to get caught in her throat once he said that, though she did manage to nod to let him know she understood. Everything else she did was her body running on auto-pilot, as her brain and thought process were a complete blur. This wasn't a dream, was it? She wasn't going to wake up in her bed to the sound of her alarm going off, right? But the way Arthur moved, the way his touch felt on her skin was beyond anything she could possibly think of. She had always thought that 'feels like fire' thing was always an exaggeration, but that was exactly how she felt right now. His hands on her thigh and back, her heart racing, she thought he was going to kiss her, only to go another way until she felt his lips on her neck, earning him a gasp from her. Wow, her heart was going to pop right out at this point if not outright fail her, her grip on his arm tightening a little. Her head was swimming, though her arm seemed to move of its own accord, her fingers running through his hair. It was a lot softer than she thought it would be, but now she wanted to feel more of him, her other hand running up and down his back. In the back of her mind she [I]definitely[/I] heard Helene cheering her on. Meanwhile, Gigi let out a small sigh, polishing off her cup as once again, Helene and Alyssa were arguing. There wasn't enough alcohol in the house for Gigi to get through this, moreso anytime they tried to drag her into it. Then again, despite not looking it, the girl had a very high tolerance for drinking, so she'd probably need to raid the local winery to get drunk enough, but that was neither here nor there. If she was being truthful, however, Alyssa was the one in the right. Of course, their reasoning was entirely different. While Alyssa was right in the sense that getting Arthur and Eva together was a bad idea, she didn't know just how dangerous Arthur Myles was. It was getting more and more difficult to drive his group off, and she definitely blamed Helene for that one. Since when was she interested in Terrance? Who initiated it? The cynical part of her said that he approached her in an effort to get a reaction out of Gigi, but knowing Helene, it could have gone either way. That and if Terrance did have a semblance of an idea of who she was, he would've likely confronted her directly. Either way, their groups were getting more and more tangled. For now, things were harmless, but the pit in Gigi's stomach was telling her that it'd escalate sooner than later. Ricardo Munez's actions were particularly noteworthy, and as she took out a cigarette from her pocket, she wondered just how long she would be able to protect her friends. Out of all the girls, Eva was the least connected to anything, though she guessed he was only getting close to her to rile Arthur up. If hearts were broken, so be it. But if any physical harm came to any of them, Gigi would take matters into her own hands. Helene's voice brought her out of her thoughts, reminding her of where she was, and she put away all her unpleasant thoughts. "[color=lightsalmon]She was stuck on him for a [I]year[/I]. So I gave it a little push, what's the big deal? Life's too short to get hung up on anything,[/color]" Helene replied, rolling her eyes, though she lowered her voice as Terrance neared. "[color=lightsalmon]If I'm being completely honest, I actually doubt they'll go all the way.[/color]" "[color=orange]Because you [I]know[/I] this won't end well![/color]" Alyssa hissed, though the two were interrupted as Terrance invited Helene to sit with him. The brunette was fuming, and she practically threw herself into the seat next to Gigi's. There was no helping the hormones and emotions, this was what normal teenagers did, right? Gigi turned a blind eye to Helene and Terrance's actions as they escalated, though thankfully, they decided that some privacy was needed. As Helene followed Terrance, she threw the two a wink, so which Alyssa flipped her off with a smile on her face. "[color=orange]I'm so mad,[/color]" Alyssa huffed, crossing her arms. "[color=orange]I really want to keep drinking to forget about all this.[/color]" Sure thing, Alyssa, that was healthy. Gigi didn't mean to be disrespectful as she lit her cigarette inside rather than go out once she knew Terrance was gone, but God knew she needed it. "[color=orangered]You can keep going, I'll drive us home,[/color]" She said, knowing Alyssa was looking towards the kitchen. "[color=orange]I need something stronger,[/color]" She said, though she looked at her friend. "[color=orange]You sure, though?[/color]" "[color=orangered]I'm fine,[/color]" She admitted, exhaling to the side to make sure she didn't blow her smoke at anyone. "[color=orange]You look nervous. Everything okay?[/color]" Did she? She had no expression on her face, but the way she wiggled her cigarette around qualified. Yeah, she was definitely nervous. Taking another drag, she looked at Alyssa for a moment, though her eyes landed on the approaching Jacob. "[color=orangered]Speaking of nervous...[/color]" She popped her cigarette into her mouth as Jacob stopped in front of Alyssa, asking to talk. Great. For a split second, she and Alexander looked at one another, and Gigi would stand, making sure to get out of the way in case Alyssa decided to get violent. Said brunette just stared at Jacob for a moment, her face unreadable. She hadn't the slightest clue what he wanted, but rather than blow him off as expected, she would stand as well. "[color=orange]Sure,[/color]" She said, surprising them further, placing her hands behind her back. Yeah, tangled was the right word for it... [center][img]https://i1.wp.com/wordmewrite.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/flowerDivider.png[/img][/center]