(CS Template) Name: Age: Gender: Alias: Homeworld: Alignment: (OOC Note: Even under Chaos.) Deity: (If applicable: Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, heck I'll even allow Malal if you can play that right. Oh, and Undivided. No Horned Rat plz.) Rank: Species: Languages: Roles: Powers: Abilities: (OOC: Not just Chaos powers, what can they do on their own?) Chaos Mutations: Specific weaknesses: Appearance: Wargear: Personality: (OOC Note: (Please refrain from making your character as bare as cardboard, yes you can have a personality and be a part of Chaos. Just look at Sivgald the Magnificent. He has a personality, a bad one..) History: (OOC Note: it's fine if you don't have this one yet.) Likes and Dislikes: Trivia: