London, Clocktower Mage Association HQ Chapter 0 - Prologue to a Terrible War ==== The afternoon day here in London was a nice one, and the sun shined brightly around the city. The Clocktower that the Mages trained in the Clocktower went about their everyday activities doing what they would to further their own knowledge. However the Clocktower today was holding a little darker shade then it usually did, and the Clocktower was home to many dark secrets already. Today the Team of Black was being formed. Church Officials, and Mage Associates all gathering to form an alliance against the Family Grey. The mage family known for their mage superiority views now held the keys to the 'new' Holy Grail. However only the top officials knew the exact details. In order to assure secrecy the Association has yet to tell the exact details to those outside their domain in order to prevent leakage of their plans. Thus the group was gathering at the Clocktower in order to form a more cohesive group. Normally the Association would go for mercenaries, and thugs for a job like this however with the Greys being former Mage Association members they have decided to make this more personal. The Association had left Director Orson Archibald as the one in charge of Allied forces. The Church for their part was sending a master of their craft their way as well. It was in the headmaster's office that the group would be meeting. The world would change for the better, or for the worse this day as a Great Holy Grail War was to start. ==== Leon stepped through the halls moving out of the way of a few students here, and there. It was on this day that he had arrived with his contact that had met with his parents. His breathing was calm but it was underlayed with a nervous tension. He wasn't use to big time missions like this. Ever since his father completed his training as a wind elemental mage he was just going about his life as he tried to manage something to make his life worth living. His grand father insisted he live life to the fullest, and that 'life's complications can fuck themselves'. His father cautioned a more honest, and straightforward approach to learn the secrets of magecraft. In the end he got involved with the local tournament organizers. Unlike European mages the Midwest region where a conclave of North American Mages rised, like Leon, had a more combative sense around them. While working on contemporary mage to reach the root was still precedent it made many mages choose a more passive route; others chose to fight in arenas to improve their physical bodies, and their skills with more offensive magics. It was in the world of mage fighting that Leon honed his skills. And in place of his parents here he was. Leon looked about the beautiful area that sprawled out in all directions around him was ancient, as it was full of potential. This place was sacred ground for up and coming noble families for the Association. It made him wonder what his life would be if he had turned out just a little differently. If he had come here from his hometown instead of staying with his father. It would have made his life a whole lot different no doubt. He wondered if it would be for the better. Leon looked at the pot in his satchel that he had brought with him. It contained the components for the summoning ceremony. He wondered who would come to him...this piece of legend ripped from the round table. He considered how many heroes were apart of Arthurian lore. It was a vast subject. If he was truly to become a 'master' then he would need to put the thoughts out of his mind of what it meant. Uncle Collins told him once, 'a man chooses, and a slave obeys' he didn't want to be a slave. He couldn't imagine whoever this was in his satchel would want to be too. But it was simply the fate that had been chosen for both of them. As Leon rounded a corner he looked for the office of the Headmaster. He had been told where to go by a younger mage he had ran into at the front of the clocktower. It wouldn't be much longer until he got there. It was hard to keep pace, and not lose himself in the sprawling corridors of this place. No doubt others found it easier if they lived here, and learned what it meant to be a mage here. But to him it was a mess. As he nearly bumped into a master mage carrying some boxes he apologized, and moved out of the way and finally arrived at the office. He knocked on the door, and someone inside told him to enter. As he entered he saw a large man with scars on his face wearing a long white jacket staring at him with indifference but them smiled at him when he noticed Leon was looking at him. He had messy brown hair, and grey eyes. His body was muscular but not to a freakish extent. And his size made Leon a bit intimidated he wondered how many fights this man had survived. At a desk sat the man called Director Orson. He wore a black vest with a red tie. His graying hair was slicked back, and he looked at Leon through cold blue eyes. His professional nature spoke volumes about him as he reeked of a man who had spent his life teaching those younger than him. Still Leon could not help but feel as if he was staring at a terrifying man. Leon had not met him but he was known by many as a great mage. He was not the head master they were simply borrowing the office for sake of convenience. [color=fff200]"Why hello there son! How are you doing this fine day?"[/color] the man in white said to Leon as he nodded at him in return. [color=8dc73f]"I'm fine nice to meet you, I'm Leon, Leon Winchester. It is a pleasure to meet you sirs."[/color] Leon said as he nodded his head at them. [color=fff200]"Winchester? Ha there's a name I never thought I'd see pop up again. Your grand dad was a pain in my ass when I was a younger man you know. All the same you shouldn't worry we're all friends here. I have a colleague around here somewhere. Should be here soon. Oh and my name is Prichard Anderson. But please just call me Anderson."[/color] the man said as Director Orson cleared his voice, [color=0072bc]"I hope the others will show up soon. If not we will simply proceed with business as we should. I specifically marked today as a meeting day for everyone. If no one else shows up I can only assume they are operating on their own volition."[/color] Director Orson said calmly as he motioned for Leon to take one of the chairs in the office. Leon obliged with a quick thanks to the Director.