[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180613/448bfd4944a97891a5ec32abf76b5835.png[/img][/url][/center] Nate Cooper lounged against the side of the building in the one spot that he felt got the most sunlight. The day was cloudy and much of the street was lined with shadows, the sun's rays patchy appearing and disappearing behind the clouds. It was cool but not cold and Nate was comfortably warm between the light and his black clothes. The trench coat thankfully wasn't too thick and so kept him warm without overheating. It wouldn't look very good if he was dripping sweat when trying to appear intimidating after all. He had a ha;f smoked cigarette in his mouth and a few finished ones were scattered about his feet. Not that anyone would notice with the amount of litter and other stuff all over the street. This area of La Vida wasn't really known for it's cleanliness, wasn't really known for much at all actually other than violence. He had been standing there for over half an hour and was getting impatient, no more like pissed off, he didn't like waiting at the best of times and especially not when the person making him wait wanted a favour. He normally wouldn't bother with this kind of thing but having this guy owe him a favour would come in handy one day and besides...he was bored. He had realised that his usual work was becoming stale and maybe it was time to step us his game. Plus he had heard you could earn a lot of cash doing this kind of work. It would mean more heat from the cops but that didn't worry him, the cops hadn't managed to catch him yet and besides he knew they didn't have enough men with the balls to properly police La Vida. Finally he saw the man he was waiting for walk around the corner flanked by several of his heavies, big black men with hard eyes and carrying multiple weapons. The man between them was almost as big and sported large tattoos on both bare arms, his heavies bore the same tattoos and Nate knew the symbol. It showed they were members of one of the biggest gangs in the city, the gang who claimed this area as their territory in fact. Nate had spotted the tail as he had headed here, another gang member keeping an eye on him but not approaching clearly the other members had been told about Nate. He watched the three men swagger towards him, their confidence present in every step, and smirked in amusement. "Took 'ya long enough." He muttered stubbing out his cigarette with one booted foot. "Photon, good that you decided to come. Sorry we're late but we had business to take care of, you know how it is." The man in the middle said with a wide grin. Nate got his meaning and grinned back. "Cleaning house huh? Yeah been there." "Why do you think I got in contact with you." The man answered. "Figured my reputation had reached your ears, news travels fast." "This isn't your normal sort of business." The man said his grin fading. "Sure you are up for it?" Nate's grin also faded replaced with a hard look that left no one in any doubt that he was capable of doing the job. "Kill a snitch and his family? sure it ain't my usual gig but I reckon it's time to branch out." The man smiled again pleased and told Nate the details of the job in question and then they hashed out a price as well as a favour that Nate could call in later. After they were finished they shook on it then the three black men left as quickly as they had come. Nate internally checked his light store and nodded in satisfaction, he had soaked up plenty. He walked in the other direction whistling as he headed to fulfil his job.