[@HamakazeKai] [@Cuddles 1438] [color=orange]'Caesar's legion? Been a while since I heard that name. Ever since NCR kicked them out of Nevada that is.'[/color] Emil thinks to himself. He hears Bailey's comment regarding their employer's choice of mercs. [color=orange]"Well...the pariah has their reasons to choose any of us, right?"[/color] He pauses for a while and thinks his next choice of words. [color=orange]"I'm real good at explosives and such, and I craft a lot too. I'm also real good with laser weaponry. Maybe that's why he chose me."[/color] It was then the woman known as Monika made her rather cold exit. [color=orange]"Jeez. What crawled in her boot and died?"[/color] Emil makes a comment addressed to himself.