[@Not Fishing] The editing of a post with a completely different CS is screwing with my chronology man. :P There's some overlap going on with some sheets I've read (but I've read like 16 sheets at this point so they do blur together and I lose track of what's active and what's not) I'm gonna go ahead and say yes on this version. I really like what you did with Beric. Cassius is where most of the overlap I noticed is but overall I think its inconsequential. I think it will actually make for an interesting common ground to a few other characters. I think your chosen abilities are an oddball that I enjoyed. Their battle potential isn't immediately obvious but I can see you going full on Loki on people. I do hope you and one of our existing characters go heavily into the archery skillset with your power scaling though (the characters will develop abilities and ramp up in power as we go ... because you will have to in order to survive). We don't have nearly enough people with ranged capability. [i]*hint hint*[/i]