[center][h1][i]MAEVE[/i][/h1][/center] [center][i]The Beautiful (II), The Queen (III), The Temptress (I)[/i][/center] In the forests of her birth, Maeve had gazed into the room where Elabeen and Fylmira once held court, a now desolate place full of broken dreams. She held such contempt for that place, it unhinged memories of a different time, ones that were now all to painful to remember. So Maeve destroyed the chamber, shattering it into a thousand pieces, then she destroyed the very tree it had roosted in. When this was done, she told her subjects to build her a throne that was worthy of her presence, one that would be suitable for their Queen. Only then could she be satisfied in the old Unsullied forest. Aina was sent away for the time being, to the Sullied forest, where she would oversee it's rebuilding. Maeve in the meantime had summoned Nessa to her, and the Fae had come without pause, now waiting and bowing low. Maeve watched her from where she lounged about on a large blackened branch, her back against the trunk of the tree, her shadow casting long as the sun dwindled. Maeve had thought long upon what Nessa had told her, and it was unnerving to say the least. That a God could call their Corr flawed, and imperfect. It made her think, and she was thankful for having a task to be focused on, else her mind wandered. This nameless God was a mystery to her, she only knew of Larwen by name, but the existence of others was not entirely unknown to her. The God had taken interest in the Corr, why would he do that? Furthermore, he had said that the magic had potential for a great amount, that he could change it to even alter sins. Maeve only wished he had come to her, and not the arrogance of Nessa. If he had wanted, the God could have killed her with ease, and Maeve would never have come about to this conversation. Yet he let her go, and Nessa had proven herself by coming to Maeve, though perhaps not by her own line of thinking. Regardless, the God's words set doubt within Maeve. If the Corr was flawed and imperfect, how could she perfect it? If only Larwen had not vanished... "You've done me a great service by telling me about your encounter, Nessa. My only wish is that it had gone differently, but we cannot change the past, now can we?" Maeve's voice dropped to a whisper. "No, we cannot my Queen." Nessa began sadly, "P-Please forgive me your majesty, I am a rash, arrogant fool." Maeve shifted slightly on the branch, "All is forgiven my dear, but remember- It is not in my nature to forgive twice. The next time, I will not be so kind as I was when we first met. Now stand up and look at me." "I understand, my Queen." Nessa said before she slowly stood, and looked at Maeve. The Fae was a tall one, taller then even Maeve had been, she also had several scars covering her body, some still fresh. "I've a task that needs doing, Nessa." Maeve began in an alluring voice, "Go to the desert to the East, see if you can find what's happened to the lesser's, or anything else of note. I've seen greatness in you Nessa, do this for me, and I will know where your true loyalties lie." A fierce determination sprang across her face as she listened to Maeve talk, one that needed to be unleashed upon the world. Maeve's voice helped this process, for her words were that of honey and Nessa was as a bee. "I will not fail you, my Queen!" Nessa said excitedly. "We shall see, Nessa. Now go, may Perfection guide you." Maeve finished, Nessa bowed and floated off into the night. [hider=Summary] Maeve is back in the Unsullied Forest, where she destroys the tree where her court was once held. She tells her subjects to build her a new throne, one worthy of their queen. Aina is away and at the Sullied forest, overseeing it's rebuilding and perfecting. Maeve contemplated about what her followers told her about their meeting with Uthum, a god whose very name escapes her. But Maeve has a grasp on what he wants. She finds what he said concerning and ponders on what to do about the Corr's imperfection. A conversation occurs with Nessa, and Maeve sends her on a task to prove herself loyal to Maeve [hider=Prestige] Maeve: The Beautiful (II), The Queen (III), The Temptress (I) +2 Prestige Starting -2 Prestige for leveling The Temptress to level (II) +2 Prestige for having a main post = +2 Prestige [/hider] [/hider]