Solae had stood behind Rene, slightly to the left of Enro, and stared at the prisoner impassively as she considered the options before them. To murder an unarmed man in cold blood, no matter how justified it may be with his depravity, felt like it was crossing a line that was not even embraced in warfare. The slaver was helpless. Syshin culture was conflicted on how to handle such captives of conflict- there was such a thing as a mercy killing, but it was also greatly dishonorable to dispose of a life unless it was necessary to do so. This was one of the reasons that Rene and Solae had been summoned; not only were they being regarded as leaders of the resistance mounted the night prior, they were being respected as humans who could speak to what human society would request of the members of their race. Pursing her lips the marquise knew they could not let the man live. Treating him, if even possible, would rob the Syshin of precious resources they could not afford to waste. It would take weeks if not months for any supplies to reach Amber Horizon. The rebellion had bigger concerns than their subjugated labour force. More importantly, the slaver could and would spread word of Syshin hostility to everyone that would hear him. Retaliation would be swift and deadly. Solae was less concerned about the risk to herself- she already had a bounty on her that placed her in constant danger- but she would not impart any peril to the peaceful beings that had become her saviors. "[i]Enro[/i]," she started, turning and bowing to the elderly male, "[i]please forgive me while I have a word in private with my bonded. This is a delicate matter and I do not want to speak for both of us without his understanding and consent.[/i]" Her Syshi flowed off her lips. Immersion, even for a singular brief day, had made her accent less stilted and clearer to the aliens. Enro glanced to Rene and nodded in approval as he waited patiently. "[i]I hope you didn't sleep through your High Imperial classes,[/i]" Solae began, turning towards Rene this time. "[i]I think we have a couple of options.[/i]" Rene groaned a little to himself. It had been quite some time since he had needed to read High Imperial much less speak it but there was no better way to discuss the slaver without him or Enro being privy to the discussion. "[i]What are you thinking?[/i]" he managed with a slight clipping of his enunciation. "[i]We let him go. We can lead him to think he's recovering- inject him with adrenaline perhaps- and then give him just enough opportunity to 'escape.' He'll lead us straight to wherever he came from and, hopefully, the spaceship,[/i]" she proposed. "[i]He won't make it the entire way, but it will put us in the right direction, and put some distance between him and Amber Horizon so they are less suspect. If he manages to get too close to his home...[/i]" she paused and shook her head, "[i]then we could deal with it then.[/i]" It was a tacit way of implying they would execute him if not for his crimes then because he was too close to death to cheat it even with medical intervention. "[i]And the other option?[/i]" Rene asked thoughtfully with furrowed brows. "[i]We try to convince him we will take him to get medical help and hope he directs us to where his people- and ship- are instead of the acting military. Considering his profession he's more likely to go home than law enforcement. I'd like to say we can go back [b]their[/b] house,[/i]" she said, referring to the Parks but unwilling to drop the easily-understood name, "[i]but I do not know we can impose upon them again to help. Either way... if he survives this the good we've done here is forfeit.[/i]" The pair fell silent a moment as the weighted choice hung between them. There was no right or wrong, only a hard question with an even more difficult answer. Enro had taken to watching the shaking man under the blanket as he tried to afford his guests what little privacy they could be granted without abandoning them in the hallway.