[CENTER][Img]https://i.imgur.com/8BJy5WD.png[/img] [b][code]The Reid Farmhouse - Garage[/code][/b] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@Atrophy][@FernStone][@Prosaic][@Mike73][/sub][/center][hr] More had filed in to help haul the truck in front of the door and keep it from opening back up to unleash the swarm upon them, but Nate all the same kept his body pressed against it just in case that [i]tiny[/i] little gap he'd sworn he could make in the door wasn't tiny enough to keep out a dozen or so bees, wasps or whatever from stinging or biting them until their throats closed up and they all died a horrible, painful death. [i]Nope[/i] was his answer to that. Most of those who'd been helping secure the door melted away when a commotion arise from the back of the garage - voices? Nate gave thought to it, wondering just where the hell they'd come from and if that meant there was another way in for the bugs. Assorted junk was pushed or otherwise kicked aside, allowing the voices coming from beneath to pop open a hatch and emerge - Hagan came first, followed soon after by Paige, Calea and Lynn - the latter of whom he at least [i]somewhat[/i] knew from their past encounter in which her flying chunk of rock had been ready to cave his skull in. That was at least somewhat relieving, given the kind of stunts he knew she could pull - but that relief had almost entirely drained away once he realised a swarm of bugs had managed to follow them up. Nate glanced between the truck and the stricken group, ready to intervene just as Jordan tripped over - he realised that the bugs had frozen. Not as in ice-cold frozen but literally [i]frozen[/i] in place, which in turn gave the others (props to Hagan and Lynn) time to deal with them. [i]Another abstraction?[/i] These people were full of surprises. "Okay, we need a plan, and we need a good one." Lynette had already started cutting into the thick of it, "What's everyone's abstractions, and does anyone have anything useful they'd like to let the group know?" "You should know since you almost missed me," Nate impulsively remarked, "Dunno if that means I can walk through the bugs or anything." Part of him wasn't exactly eager to test that out, either - but she kept on going with her ideas. She gave Rien a look, "I got all the fire we need... but, what you could draw was something to burn. Something like cloth or wood. Then that brings me to you..." Nate felt her grinning face staring at him, "You can phase it through the floor, and then I ignite it. That'll produce enough smoke to clear the tunnels. Or burn enough of them alive. When we were in the tunnel, I heard the insects coming down a separate path - so that must mean there's a way out of here." "Shit, can't you make some kind of bug spray spell?" Nate asked, already aware of the kind of answer to expect - none of this would be easy, "I mean, I'll do it - just don't want to go up in smoke." His abstraction would let him do that at least, right? It beat dying trapped in here and so, reluctantly, he volunteered for the job.