[hr][center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjkyM2Y2MC5VR1Z1Ym5rZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/youth-and-beauty.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmJmYzRjNS5VbWwwWVNCV2IzSnZibUUsLjA,/divat.regular.png[/img] [sup][sup][i]And Billy![/i][/sup][/sup] [sub][@Surtr Inc][@He Who Walks Behind][@Prosaic][@FernStone][@Mike73][/sub] [/center] [code]The Reid Farmhouse - Outside to Main House[/code] [hr] “What do you think I’m doing?” said Penny with an unnecessary snippiness to her voice. She turned her back towards the group and concentrated. It was easier to connect to Billy than it was before. So Britney had been right about that after all, although that only begged the question of how Britney knew about their telekinetic link in the first place. A concern for another time. The words formed in her mind, and she felt herself sending them over to Billy, [i]“We’re trying to find our way into some creepy ass secret tunnels to reach you guys. What’s the sitch over there?'[/i] [i]“Holy shit, don’t do that. Not yet, at least. Lynette’s about to smoke out all of the bugs.”[/i] “Shit,” growled Penny. She turned to see Rita reaching for the shelf. “Hey! Don’t touch that.” The commanding voice made Rita freeze in place, her eyes popping open wide and her cheeks sucking in as if she had been caught red handed. Slowly her eyebrows lowered and she shot Penny a quizzical look, her left hand still resting on the side of the shelf. Faintly, it glowed. [b][i]“Why not?”[/i][/b] “Why not? Because Lynette’s about to use one of her witchy glyphs to smoke out the tunnels and because I freaking said so,” said Penny, a slightly confused look crossing her face as she finished her sentence. She hadn’t intended to include that last part; the stress of the situation was clearly beginning to wear on her already slim patience. “Unless one of you can materialize oxygen masks we’re gonna be stuck here for a moment. Which...can you?” She looked around at the group and frowned. “I have a general idea of what those chucklefucks can do,” she gestured towards Britney, Justin, and Claire, “but I don’t know shit about the rest of your Abstractions. Whaddya got?” “I-I-I, um, I got nothing, sorry!” said Rita, her voice quaking as she quickly turned away, but not before giving Martin a quick, pleading look. It wasn’t very smooth. If he gave her away, she doubted any of the others would ever feel comfortable talking to her again. Not that she felt like any of them wanted to, let alone even enjoyed, talking to her in the first place. She pretended to find something interesting on the shelf and picked up a dusty piece of junk, turning it over in her hands to avoid having to make eye contact with anyone else. “Awesome. Great. Why even talk?” asked Penny, letting out a deep, frustrated sigh. “Anyone else?”