Asura was trucking along, rolling towards the greatest amount of hub bub that was occurring in the cave. Lots of yells, screeches, and hollers. As he moved he was observing his surroundings and going slow enough that Momma Slime could keep up with him. She didn't seem to have mastered the Limited Shapeshift I yet. But she was developing proper speech thanks to being in contact with his mind. As he rolled he saw a unique opportunity. A dire rat was starring at itself but it looked fully healthy. Nearby however was a Pixie, clearly wounded and it had no energy left to fly given it was walking. Or maybe its wings were fucked. Given his limited knowledge of insect-like wings it was better to just put it out of its misery. So he rolled by the contemplative Dire Rat, Ed, and rolled right over the pixie. His mass hitting it like a truck and absorbing it on his way by. Even if it was alive it wouldn't be for long, a flexing of his liquid self and he'd try to crush its skull to give it the fastest and least painful death he could provide. Asura's movements were clear to Mother Slime behind him, he avoided the dire rat. It was obvious that it was different from the other rats she had probably encountered given the fact it hadn't attacked easy prey like that pixie. But just in case he called back to her. [color=red]"Don't attack rat. Different targets."[/color] He said, she could understand speech he hoped, not just slime thoughts.