[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w2QAwm5.png[/img][/center] As the sun peaked into the cracks of the blinds and the birds outside chirped, it seemed as though nature’s alarm was calling for Raymond to wake up. The boy twisted and turned in his bed before letting out a depressing groan as he sat up on his bed. [color=fff200]”Being a decent human being is a pain in the ass”[/color] He sat there for a minute staring at the wall as he tried to muster up the energy to stand on his two feet though it ended with him just flipping back onto his bed. This is going to be a long day. After 10 minutes of contemplating and psyching himself up, Raymond was finally out of his bed and in the shower. A early morning wash was sure to wake the boy up and prepare him for the day, he was hoping to possibly grab a bite to eat before classes would start at the college. Once he was finished showering and drying himself with a towel, he carried on with his morning hygiene routine before heading back to his room to get dressed and head out. Raymond opened one of his clothes drawers and pulled out a white t-shirt and some black jeans before tossing them onto the bed and changing clothes. He then walked over to his disk in the corner of his room to put his school supplies into his backpack. Raymond grabbed a few pencils and his notebooks before zipping his backpack up and slinging it over his shoulder. One he had everything, he closed the door behind him and made his way towards the front door. On his way out he saw his dad passed out in the living room with empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. Though it was nothing out of the usual, it kinds pissed Raymond off that he had grown used to it. It’s not a sight that should be seen as normal by any means. The boy just simply shook his head in disappointment on his way out, slamming the door behind him hard. Once outside he took a deep sigh before carrying on with his journey towards the bus stop.