[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmI4NjRkMy5TMlZwLjAA/bernardo-moda.moda.png[/img][/center] Digimon? Digital world? This all sounded like a video game or something like that. In any case Kei wasn’t really allowed to play video games when school is starting soon. His grandparents would get mad. Kei raised his hand. “Um, I am not allowed to play because I have school,” Kei mumbles. Dorumon looks at him perplexed. “It’s okay that won’t matter,” Dorumon tells Kei, “If Lucemon wins he’ll surely take over your world as well.” Kei now looks at Dorumon with confusion. You mean the bad guy here could enter their world? They were in a different world? That didn’t make sense. That couldn’t be right, could it? Kei hesitantly thinks about it. Everyone else has seemingly grabbed their watches. Would they think less of him because he hadn’t grabbed his watch, yet? “So, what about our world? Will our grandparents and our families not know we’re gone? We didn’t even get to tell them anything,” Kei plays with his buttons, “What if they think we’re missing? What if they are going to look for us later? Did you think of anything like that before bringing us here?” Dorumon looks at Kei twitching his tail. “But, won’t they be happy you saved the world?” Dorumon asked. Oh yes because he could tell his parents he went to a world with monsters, fought a bad guy they have no concept of and that he saved the world. They wouldn’t believe him. He should hit Dorumon on the head again with an artbook. “You should have made the email more legible so they knew where we were,” Kei remarks. Dorumon looks puzzled. “It was very legible,” Dorumon replies, taking out a copy of the email he sent; Yggdrasil is dead. Awaken Digidestined. You are needed for an important task. So awaken your hearts and complete your destiny to save the Digital world. That’s definitely not what anyone saw, if they were as confused as he is in this situation. About these things. Kei hesitantly walks forward, so it seems there is no way back. Kei’s hands shake as he reaches for a blue metallic watch, with gray, and white trim around the screen. Everyone else has seemed to summon monsters from the watches. He puts the wrist watch on his wrist. Trying to fight back crying again. All he’s tried to prove to his parents and grandparents is that he’s not a burden to them. Now that he’s missing, what would they think? He barely noticed the bright light as blinding as it is, as he tried to fight back tears. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/cBJXZd/kokomon2.jpg[/img][/center] “Please don’t cry,” said a small brown creature, with three horns, “If you cry you’ll make me sad Kei-kun.” Kei stares at the creature. A tear falling onto its forehead. “I’m sorry, this is all very overwhelming,” Kei remarks, “Who are you?” “I’m Kokomon,” it replies softly. “I don’t want to make you sad Kokomon,” Kei replies. “I know its a little scary, I am scared too, because I am doing this all by myself, well with you too,” Kokomon says, still in his arms it appears its trying to hug him or this is its concept of a hug, “so we have to stick with each other.” Kei nods. “I’ll try,” Kei mumbles.