[right][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/90b8be1d4280a310eeaa36ff6cf5c205/tumblr_inline_mww0eim8U01r0jzp4.gif[/img] [sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Grant Household [Home] -> Concert Hall[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Night -> Morning -> Afternoon[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Evelyn [Mother], Alyssa [Friend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]I'm so screwed.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmY1N2ZiNS5VM2x0Y0dodmJtbGpJRU5vWVc5ei4w/orhydea.demo.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/76281490/original.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/36f49839024f776dd189450b86935465/tumblr_inline_mww1nsoeZF1r0jzp4.gif[/img] [/center] Eva didn't know what made her heart beat faster, Arthur or her mother. Of course, there were two different reasons: Arthur was someone she found herself chasing after, and after tonight was was definitely sure she wanted him. Her mother, on the other hand, was someone she felt she was always running away from, someone who she couldn't quite communicate with. Gigi had generously offered for her to stay at her place, but Eva was forced to decline. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, she had an appointment with one of the recruiters for a school she wanted to go to, and there was no way she could miss it. Said school had been her choice, long before she met Arthur and long before the constant moves from town to town. She was relying on her musical scholarship to get in, so if she missed the audition, she may as well drop out of school. A little dramatic, sure, but it was the future she had for herself. After she bid Gigi farewell, watching Helene's car drive off. Being as quiet as she could, Eva entered her home and closed the door behind her. It was completely dark, and for a split second, she thought of being alone in the dark with Arthur. It made her more nervous, but she carefully slipped her heels off, tip toeing up the stairs slowly. As she reached the top, she was horrified to see the light to her mother's office still on. No way, she was still up? Despite the panic, Eva seemed resigned, walking right to the door. Sure enough, Evelyn was still awake, reading over some documents. Her eyes flickered to her daughter, shaking her head at her as she stood up. "[color=palevioletred]Do you have any idea what time it is?[/color]" She asked, putting her papers down and walking up to her daughter. When Eva shook her head, Evelyn pointed at the clock. "[color=palevioletred]It's nearly three thirty. You're a good [i]two hours[/i] after curfew.[/color]" "[color=pink]I...Ah![/color]" Evelyn had inadvertently pulled on Eva's hair as she examined her neck, her eyes narrowing. "[color=pink]It's not what you think--[/color]" "[color=palevioletred]Look at you,[/color]" Evelyn scoffed, her hand under her chin as she forced Eva to look her in the eye. "[color=palevioletred]Drunk, dressed provocatively, and with a hickey. Are you proud of yourself, Evangeline? Did you have fun? Are you forgetting in four and a half hours you have to get to the Crescendo Ballad Center for an audition? Or did you figure if you kept drinking your hangover could serve as your guiding beat while you play?[/color]" Smacking her mom's hand away, Eva shook her head. "[color=pink]I didn't forget! I just...things happened...and--and it's not a big deal! I'll be ready![/color]" She insisted. "[color=pink]I don't understand why you have no faith in me. I've been preparing for this for weeks.[/color]" "[color=palevioletred]Just to trip at the finish line,[/color]" Evelyn scoffed, a hand to her forehead. "[color=palevioletred]So tell me, did you decide to hook up with someone random? Playing one of those games? Seven minutes is long enough.[/color]" Holy crap she hit the nail on the head without knowing anything. "[color=pink]What--I didn't sleep with anyone,[/color]" Eva replied quickly. "[color=pink]And he wasn't random, I've liked him for a long time--[/color]" "[color=palevioletred]And the drinks certainly helped you loosen up, hm? Liquid courage does that,[/color]" She waved Eva away. "[color=palevioletred]I don't care anymore, get to bed, we need to be up early, and I won't be taking any excuses in the morning.[/color]" She couldn't believe the way her mother was treating her right now. Why did she think she was so irresponsible? This was the first time she's been out so late, and she didn't believe her when she said nothing happened with Arthur. As Evelyn began to pack her things, she noticed Eva still standing there, but her expression was cold. "[color=pink]Don't bother, I'll find my own way there,[/color]" Eva told her, walking out. "[color=palevioletred]Suit yourself. Don't come crying to me if you miss it,[/color]" She heard Evelyn call out as she walked into her bedroom, and out of spite, she ended up slamming the door shut and locking it. Throwing her heels on the floor, she let herself drown in the darkness, walking to her bed. Once her legs hit the edge, she let gravity take its course and fell face first onto her bed. The sheets felt cool to the touch, as if it was an attempt at calming her down. Eventually, her anger subsided, and she just felt empty. What did she do to deserve her words like that? Why couldn't she believe her? Was she really such a bad daughter? Part of her wished she could have stayed with the man that she thought was her father, but when she really thought about it, he probably didn't want her, either. No one did. The bitterness clung onto her as she closed her eyes, turning her head in the other direction, and she noticed her phone blinking blue. Her hand reached out to it, unlocking it and blinding her for a moment. When her eyes got used to the light, she saw a message from a number she didn't recognized. Tapping the little icon to open it, there was only one word there, something that barely qualified as a message in itself, but her eyes widened as she read it. [color=dodgerblue][i]Arthur[/i][/color] Her vision blurred slightly as she pulled her phone to her chest. She was probably on the verge of tears, but couldn't be bothered to check as the only thing she did was cling to her phone as sleep finally claimed her. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/7a/bd/447abd8aa6929b7ccd24fd222bdf124e.png[/img][/center] Eva jolted awake, shrieking as her phone's alarm went off, the sound pounding against her ears, and she sat up. Her chest was tight, she was covered in sweat, dazed and confused for a moment. She must've had a nightmare, but she couldn't remember it fully. As her alarm continued, she dragged herself out of bed, glancing at herself in the mirror. Boy, she looked like a mess. But there was no time to contemplate that, she needed to get going. Taking in a deep breath, she ran out of her room and into the bathroom. Once she showered and brushed her teeth, she grimaced in front of the mirror. Arthur's hickey was still going strong; she had to cover it up somehow. Running back into her room, she raided her closet, shoving aside outfit after outfit on the hangars until she pulled out a black dress. Pulling it over her head, the neckline covered about half the hickey. Crap, she was hoping for more coverage. She couldn't really wear her hair down, lest it get tangled in her bow while she played. Rummaging through her closet once again, she pulled out a blue, silk scarf, wrapping it into a knot comfortably. She looked like a flight attendant, but she didn't have a choice right now. Slipping on her heels, she wobbled slightly as she grabbed her violin, but the realization hit her. She had told her mom she would find her own way. But who the hell would be up this early? Grabbing her phone, she decided to call Gigi first. Nope, straight to voicemail. Oh boy. She tried Helene next, and despite it ringing, she got her voicemail, too. Probably still in bed with Terrance. Should she bother trying Alyssa? She figured she had nothing to lose. "[color=orange]Hello?[/color]" Came Alyssa's voice, sounding surprisingly clear. "[color=pink]Alyssa![/color]" She was so happy she actually answered, though she quickly went to the topic at hand as she put her violin down, having forgotten to brush her hair. "[color=pink]I need a ride to the Crescendo Ballad Center, can you take me?[/color]" "[color=orange]Yeah. I'll be there as soon as I can,[/color]" The brunette was pretty calm. "[color=orange]Oh, uh...could I borrow some clothes? Gigi's are too small for me.[/color]" "[color=pink]Of course! Thank you![/color]" Relief washed over Eva as she hung up, grabbing something for Alyssa, and then pulling her hair up into a bun. Okay, [i]now[/i] she looked like a flight attendant, but once again, there was nothing she could do about it. Once she was ready and with violin in hand, she waited downstairs for Alyssa, shooting a look at the clock once in a while. For a second, she wondered what Arthur was doing, though considering how early it was, he was probably still asleep. Looking at her phone, she looked at his message again. She should have messaged him, too, but she genuinely couldn't stay up after seeing it. Now that she was awake, should she text him something? It was too early, wasn't it? Or did she have to follow that three day rule? The thought was pushed aside as she heard the horn beeping outside, and Eva practically flew out of the house. She had almost forgotten they had Helene's car without Helene. Alyssa sat at the driver's seat, looking wide awake. As they drove off, Eva noticed a necklace wrapped around her hand. The brunette hadn't said a word to her, though she looked deep in thought. "[color=pink]Why [i]are[/i] you up so early?[/color]" Eva asked, curious. "[color=orange]I never went to bed,[/color]" She admitted. "[color=pink]How come?[/color]" Coming to a halt at a red light, Alyssa looked down at the necklace. "[color=orange]I have a lot to think about. I tried getting trashed but it just made things worse if I'm being completely honest,[/color]" She shook her head. "[color=pink]Want to talk about it?[/color]" "[color=orange]I appreciate it, but I need to think about it more before I'm ready to talk about it.[/color]" Eva respected her decision, though her own growing headache distracted her. Shoot, she must have been hungover. Four hours of sleep with a headache was going to affect her performance. She needed to concentrate, and as Alyssa dropped her off, she thanked her and ran into the center. Luckily for her, she wasn't the last, making sure to sign in and get her number. The downside was that because she arrived so late, she would have to sit through all the auditions. She chose to remain in the lounge, and drifted off a few times, perking up anytime a number was called. God she was a mess, and waiting around for literally hours didn't help much. Rather than concentrating, she went to thinking about last night. She should've kissed Arthur. That was about the only real regret she had right now. The way he spoke to her, the way he looked at her, his touch, everything drove her wild, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. When would she see him again? As her number was called, she went on stage. The lights nearly blinded her, and her heart jumped to her throat as she saw a panel of judges sitting at a table. For now, and only now, she needed to put Arthur aside. "[color=pink]Number Four Hundred and Two, Evangeline Esperanza,[/color]" She introduced herself. "[color=pink]I will be playing Sergei Prokofiev's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LezNrLQ15qo]Violin Sonata[/url], first movement.[/color]" As they nodded, signaling her to begin, Eva placed her violin on her shoulder and closed her eyes. From the moment the first note rang out, she was in a world of her own. Her hangover didn't seem to inhibit her as much as she thought, her movements second nature as she played. Considering she had been playing for as long as she could remember, it was a given. As she came to a close, her felt her arm stiffen, but rather than stop completely, she ended the note a second earlier. As it rang through the hall, there was some polite applause and a few murmurs came after. She bowed and exited the stage, letting out a sigh. Damn, she probably could have done better. But it was too late for that sort of thinking. After carefully storing her instrument, she sat back down, pulling out her phone. Whoa, lunchtime already? Her initial thought was to text Arthur again, but what if she woke him up? Even as the thought crossed her mind, however, she really wanted to see him again. But now that he was presumably sober, would he want to see her? Despite her better judgement and after saving his number, her fingers ended up typing a pretty simple message: [color=pink][i]Hope you slept well~[/i][/color]. Sending it before she changed her mind, she figured she should get home and try to sleep some. Sighing, Eva instead called Alyssa. And of course this time she would get her voicemail. Crap. Well, at the very least, she could walk to the closest bus stop. With violin in hand, Eva dragged herself out of the center and began to walk. [center][img]https://i1.wp.com/wordmewrite.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/flowerDivider.png[/img][/center]