[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=sienna]Gilbert[/color] & [color=indianred]James[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr] [b][color=dimgray]Location:[/color][/b] [color=sienna]Ville au Camp (Outside of the Kitchen House)[/color] * [color=indianred]Ville au Camp (Outside of the Kitchen House) -> By the Oak[/color] [b][color=dimgray]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] The smile dropped from Gilbert's face. It was just a second before it returned, but damage done - in that second, Gil looked rather insulted. In the second that followed, his shoulders relaxed and he forced himself to reassert his casual posture, like he usually had. He then removed his hat and addressed James. [color=sienna]"Mr. Grady?"[/color] Now he was being formal. It made James a little uncomfortable after the last bit of time with Gil being creative and, well, strange. The sudden blast of insistence made him think that something was up, and at the same time glad that it wasn't aimed at him. He was curious about the nature of the conversation they were about to have, and at the same time he had been looking forward to the simplicity of something that passed for a regular conversation. [color=sienna]"Mr. Grady, would you please bring the cart around to the Oak? It looks like everyone is meeting there now. Once everyone has something, do ask Miss Lucas where she wants it afterwards? I will join you in a few minutes."[/color] [color=indianred]"Mmm hmm."[/color] responded James, unsure as to whether or not he appreciated the tone of the request. However, he did take over the cart, careful not to slosh things too much. There was a fitting cover over the punch bowl, but it would do no one any good if the sodas (or did they call them phosphates now?) got all fizzed up. He barely heard the start of the conversation, finally deciding that he wanted nothing to do with it. Well, he was going to ask about it out of sheer, morbid curiosity, but right in that moment he was just fine waiting for the cliff notes. After James had moved away a few paces, Gilbert turned to Sophia. [color=sienna]"You are new here, Sophia. So please listen and bear with me."[/color] He then cast a glance over in Nancy's direction, [color=sienna]"But you already know, [i]Inanna[/i]. I do not use my abilities lightly. None of us are supposed to. I am not here to pull a metaphorical nor a literal rabbit out of a hat to amuse others. And I do not want my personal tools - most of which I made myself - used to prank anyone, let alone children."[/color] He set his fedora back on his head and nudged it to a mildly rakish angle. His lighter mood seemed to return, even. [color=sienna]"You can find corn syrup and red food dye in the Kitchen House. Or ketchup. Take your pick. In the dark, I'd imagine a pie server or something similar might pass muster."[/color] He tilted his hat back to a more even set upon his head, then advised Sophia directly, [color=sienna]"Come to me when you [i]need[/i] something, Sophia. Not when you want something. We do it this way for good reasons."[/color] Meanwhile, James was busy making his way over to the Oak, or nearabouts. The ground was fading from packed gravel to mostly even grass and fallen leaves. There were Paradoxes and local children present, each listening to stories or making commentary. The style of clothing (or God forbid, those [i]costumes[/i]) was mostly unfamiliar to him. Strange, even. But the laughter of kids was something he had not experienced in a while. Being around kids that were free to actually have fun without worrying about making too much noise, lest they drew the attention of rotting, shambling, former people who were blindly intent upon eating them all. [color=indianred]"Aight, y'all!"[/color] he called, the moment that there was an appreciable break in the stories, [color=indianred]"Got us some of that good punch an' sodas over here! Little somethin' to wash all that Halloween candy down, hear? Y'all grownups get in on some of this, too! This here's the good stuff."[/color] He popped the cover from the top of the punch bowl and picked up the ladle. The faint scent of candied ambrosia wafted across the clearing. [color=indianred]"One at a time, plenty for all. An' when we got them thirsties knocked out, ol' James got his own piece of story for all y'all, alright?"[/color] [color=sienna]"The punch is a non-alcoholic version of a beverage I call a 'Gingerbread-Man', Sophia."[/color] he said without a glimmer of his previous annoyance in his voice. [color=sienna]"Some time soon, I will have to make you the real thing. It is an experience."[/color] Gilbert opened his mouth to speak again when he suddenly stopped, throwing his attention back up the road leading to the Kitchen House. [color=sienna]"I see that she has returned. Interesting."[/color] He motioned to a raven haired woman of extremely pale complexion who was approaching the gathering, and walked toward her with his arms open wide as to give a huge embrace between people very familiar with one another. [color=sienna]"You... How was London, dearest? Foggy, eventful, tragic? You know that I can tell, but I love hearing the way you speak about your adventures so much more."[/color]