[@HamakazeKai] [Color=orange]"Oh, believe me ma'm. I'm not scared of most mutants and abominations."[/color] Emil scratches the back of his head breifly.[Color=orange]"Its just that once you see a 10 foot tall deathclaw toss aside a full grown brhamin aside like it was a ragdoll, it really makes a nightmarish sight to see..."[/color] He pauses a moment to ponder the reality that he might really die in Necropolis. [Color=orange]"I know that I might die here."[/color] Emil answers her with an optimistic smirk on his face. [Color=orange]"...but I don't plan on it though. Too many people left in the wastes to help."[/color] His smirk turns into a neutral line and eyes grow cold, almost unnaturally so. [color=orange]"Too many bad folk to put away..."[/color]