Maria sighed. She had gone nearly everywhere and her basket was starting to get heavy with supplies. Much more than it should naturally fit, it weighed down on her arm like a brick of gold. None the less, she carried on fairly certain her spell had not worked. Where else was there to go? She kicked a rock and watched it stir up dust as it bounced down the road. Perhaps she was trapped beside a village of simple folk, really and truly. [i]'What has you so upset?'[/i] came a soft purring voice behind her. She turned to find a little black cat, fat with kittens, grooming herself on the porch of a home. She was a lovely silken thing with bright amber eyes. She turned her large orbs upon Maria and seemed to be quite satisfied with herself. [i]'Not enough fun in your life?'[/i] She frowned at the cat before coming closer. [b]"Little woman,"[/b] she said to the beast as she sat beside it, [b]"I assure you I have plenty of fun."[/b] [i]'And yet no kittens,'[/i] she drawled, stretching and then coming to settle in Maria's lap. [b]"I am an unwed woman." [/b] [i]'Wed? What is wed? How does it matter?' [/i] She supposed she would never be able to explain such a concept to the creature. Instead, she stroked the soft fur as the cat purred. [b]"I am looking for someone but I've been all about this town. I haven't met them yet." [/b] There was a long silence as the cat enjoyed the attention she was getting, rolling and pushing herself into Maria's hands. At long last the cat seemed to have had enough attention. [i]'Have you tried the mill? You know, where the skin the wood?'[/i] the cat inquired as she hopped off of Maria's lap. [b]"I haven't yet. Thank you."[/b] She offered the cat one last pat as she began the process of cleaning herself once again. [i]'That is what we are here to do,'[/i] she stated blandly before sashaying away, presumably to hunt. Maria was not sure where the mill was located. After asking some of the townsfolk she got directions. What she would make her excuse there to be, she was not sure just yet. However, she could not stop until she knew for certain her spell had worked. Lugging along her heavy basket she walked along the path until she came upon the site. She watched in awe as the men moved, processing the wood.