Elizabeth had anticipated the summons for the briefing, had made a point to get breakfast in her stomach early and was on standby in her room in appropriate attire for a mission briefing. She arrived shortly after Zim did, and was therefore standing right next to him during the briefing. Barely a part of the squad and there was already a high-risk mission of critical importance. The princess wondered, only very briefly, if she had made the right choice in enlisting, rather then simply staying with the Royal Guard. No, she had made the choice to lead by example, like the rest of her family, and contribute to the war effort more directly. This was the only thing that would help keep Fortress's fate from befalling the Praxis system. She shook her head to clear the moment of regret away and to refocus on the mission briefing. When questions started getting fielded, she was starting to form her own questions. Zim's questions were good questions, she would be interested in knowing that information too. She didn't know the history about Irina and the rest of the squad, but she gathered there was some bad blood between the ace and her squadmates. She had no choice but to hold no opinion on the matter and to agree with whatever command decided was best for this mission. Then Pilot Rooney made his recommendation that Zim be removed from the active roster. She could see through the corner of her eye the way that Zim's posture changed as it was suggested that he be moved to back up support. Zim started to turn to face Rooney, his arm already drawing back with a clenched fist of a punch. Elizabeth reached out and put her open hand on his shoulder, stopping him from rotating that direction. "Don't," She said simply. Her tone left no room for debate. Zim moved to step around the princess, not looking at her or acknowledging her word, Elizabeth stepped to stay in the way, "You want to prove him right?" She asked the older pilot. Zim finally looked up to her and made eye contact. She saw what Rodger saw, and she agreed with him. It was the right call, everyone in the room had to know that. Zim might not know it yet, but if the roll was reversed, he would have made the same call. He clenched his jaw tight as he made eye contact with the pilot, she was obviously not going to back down. Zim stopped and returned to his position, facing the mission briefing.