Teroiah's rage was not so much as nudged by Meesei's long response. The way her upper lip pursed up against her gums gave her the look of a caricature. She stomped across to her original starting position. "If you seek to goad me, Argonian, you need not try," she warned. "Your archaeologicked tricks will not avail you." As Teroiah rolled her shoulders and braced her feet on the pavement below her, a notion occurred to Sabine that made her comment quietly from the stone seating. "They have each shared their talents to one another. They have a measure of what to expect. This will be a decisive clash." Siloune's small hints on her unimpressed visage told of anticipation, despite her reservations. "If it is the wish of both of you. I shall allow this next duel to end upon submission or incapacity, on my mark. Are these terms agreeable?" "Yes, invigilator," Teroiah hissed. "Ready yourselves...and...mark." The power that Teroiah drew into her hands was hidden as usual, though it was a different spell than perhaps what she intended for Meesei at the end of the previous duel. It came about quickly, and it was not a spell of destruction. Light and sound suddenly warped around Teroiah just as she stepped in a direction that Meesei couldn't place. Her elongated image spread around her half of the arena like something viewed through a multifaceted gem. In an instant, her position was everywhere at once. Meesei had the sense to know an illusion when she saw one, even if it was unlike any produced by a single mage so quickly. It did not stop the Altmer battlemages from making awed and surprised sounds from the seats.