The implication didn't seem to intimidate Sven, though he glanced at her gun as if he was adding it to a calculation, as if their every move and twitch was something he was to take into account. It felt as if he did not even need to directly look at someone for him to be aware of their every move. Neil held his hands up disarmingly, a roguish smile on his face. "Alright Sven, I'll tell you. I'll need your advice anyway so..." The Pilot gingerly pulled himself out of Sven's grasp. Sven let him go, eyes switching to Neil as the young outlaw pulled at his shirt to unwrinkle it. Before he spoke, he glanced Sayeeda's way, and then back at Sven. His voice was low. "We have come across a large quantity of Aestimobium, and we were looking for a buyer that would be interested in taking a bite out of it." Neil said. "I was thinking you might know a guy around these parts." Sven did not seem the type to be impressed by near anything, but his brows raised slightly at the claim, before they narrowed with suspicion. He matched gazes with Neil, and then stood straight once more, reaching his impressive height. "Still playing with forces beyond your reckoning, I see." Sven said. It merely made Neil grin. The cold man paused for a few moments, as if weighing a trillion different options at once, or as if he was processing something beyond their comprehension. "Yes." He said simply, moments later. "I know of a buyer. Gnorlaac of the Crimson Star." Neil let out a whistle, obviously knowing the name. Though by experience or reputation, it wasn't clear. "Do you know of anyone less... savage to deal with? I don't think someone like me would be safe in that kind of place." "If you want a buyer, Gnorlaac is the one." Sven repeated, his voice gravely and hard. "I had thought you were used to danger. Saxon won't stop hunting you until one or both of you are dead." Neil pointed at Sven, as if he had a secret knowledge. "Saxon is dead. I made sure of it." Neil replied vehemently. "Last time I saw him he was being swallowed by a Torjun Beast off the Parmenaen Strait. Unless he can climb out of an acidic stomach, he's long dead. Besides," He raised a hand, as if to halt any further denials or comments. "Even if that weren't true, the trails been cold for years now. 2 years in cryosleep will do that to you bounty." "Ah," Sven said, weighing the information. "For your sake, I hope you're right." With a movement of his head, he indicated they should head north. "Find the Cantina called Red Dwarf. Go inside and tell the Formian girl 'Tu Wada Klecto.' She'll take you into the back where the private party is held. Don't mention my name." "Wouldn't think of it," Neil chuckle, and when Sven didn't shake his hand, Neil awkwardly placed the open palm on Sven's shoulder. "Good to see you bud. See you soon." The pilot led the two women away from Sven, who watched them depart with an unyielding stare before he sank back into one of the shanty shops, his ragged cloak now camouflaged within the canopies of tarps. As they made it past the central fountain, Taya piped up with a whisper. "Who was that man?" she asked, glancing back at where Sven had stood not moments before. Neil smiled as he turned the next corner. "Who he is now doesn't matter. But he used to be the planetary governor of Jutgard." he said. "Don't ask." [@Penny]