[color=B0C4DE][I]'No time.'[/I][/color] Gideon flickered from behind cover, circling Zelraka's back while his fused opponent turned. [color=B0C4DE][I]'No tests. No practice.'[/I][/color] The discharge he emitted to dispel the sandstorm wasn't powerful enough to cause lasting damage. If anything, Gideon turned it to his advantage. He could still make 'leaps' between earthen material, after all. He crossed the first stretch between a foothold and the mass of sand that flew outward. [color=B0C4DE][I]'Just give everything,'[/I][/color] Gideon created a vacuum between the remaining distance to Zelraka's back. He skirted around it. Air shot out from his feet and was sucked into the vacuum he'd created, propelling him forward faster, all but flying toward his target. [color=B0C4DE][I]'And reserve[/I]nothing[I].'[/I][/color] Gideon's gauntlet blade erupted out from the device, and he stabbed that for Zelraka's back. He intended to give the fused 'God's barrier some stress. A long stave shot out from his knuckles on his other hand. He drove that higher, attacking where the giant's neck met his shoulder blades. Gideon only needed [I]one[/I] to penetrate the giant's barrier for him to leave a gaping wound behind with his next motion.