[hider=Fuchigami Momoko] [center][img]https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7345457c9d5aaee5373fa740d4a000c8/5BA7C068/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/33986723_172324020131444_6360772288211582976_n.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Fuchigami Momoko [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Class:[/b] Monk [b]Clan:[/b] Tsubaki[/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] She has a soft physique, thigh-length straight black hair in a hime cut, and unusual pale gray eyes. From her ears hang large loop earrings of bronze. Her customary garb is a violet kimono, cut in an extremely improper fashion at her upper thigh, with crimson hems and a white silk sash that sports lavender tassels. Teal and white swirls decorate the kimono, and red sandals complete her outfit. While conventionally attractive, she is no pinnacle of beauty, particularly when it comes to her bearing and manner [b]Weaknesses & Fears:[/b] [list] [*] Noncombatant - one hundred percent useless in physical combat. Not only is she untrained in weaponry, but it's not a stretch to say she hasn't performed a hard day's labor in her whole life. [*] Ever-tipsy - more often than not at least a little inebriated. While she's [i]very[/i] used to it and still functions more or less normally, some impairment is to be expected. This includes dexterity, motor functions, and pain, which [i]is[/i] a weakness [*] Self-centered - her own safety and comfort are usually her priority [*] Flippant - her off-kilter behavior makes it difficult for people fixated on honor, what is proper, and so forth to get along with her [*] Possessive - she is terrified of losing her enchanted artifacts[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] Umeshu Basin – an enchanted, ceremonial bowl of gleaming gray china that can fill itself with plum wine that boasts exceptional restorative properties. Specifically, imbibing it speeds up natural healing, dulls pain, and strengthens one's inner fortitude [*] Ikiryo Pipe – an enchanted pipe said to be stuffed with the ashes of the dead, rather than herbs. Smoke given off by it is capable of gathering into clouds that can lift up and carry people and even heavy objects. Oddly enough, its clouds give off an impression of fleeting sentience, understanding what Momoko wants them to do and moving accordingly [*] Medicinal Kit – a special case, not too large, but filled with bandages, balms, poultices, herbs, and all sorts of remedies useful for healing[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Among the seafarers whose homes and bases of operation speckle the outer islands of Kujin, the merchant family Fuchigami stood as one of the most prosperous since the inception of the Shogun's reign—and, as it is rumored, some time before. The end of a war economy did not, however, lead to an end to the Fuchigamis' fortune in the new era of peace and prosperity, as the mineral and spice trades continued to serve them well. However, this life of plenty is not Fuchigami Momoko's any longer. When Momoko was born, her family had already risen to prominence among the merchants for its singleminded support of Tsubaki's military endeavors through the sale of supplies and arms. As a result, Momoko and her sister enjoyed a life of wealth and privilege—too much, in fact. Her sister wised up; Momoko did not. By the time she was eight, Momoko had earned a reputation as a spoiled brat, and her attitude paired with rising difficulty for the Tsubaki clan proved too much for her overworked parents to stomach. She found herself deposited at an island sanctuary, for her own protection and education, she was told. Her parents did not return. With no alternative, Momoko was forced to adopt the life of a monastic, studying and worshiping with the other miko. Over the years her rebellion ceased and her temperament cooled. Finding she had an interest in ceremony and artifice, she took instruction in the handling, restoration, and even improvement of magical artifacts, alongside her tutelage in healing. As a result, she developed a remarkable skill in both medicine and magic. As she grew up at the monastery, safe from the war-torn world in an environment of beauty, ritual, and sophistication, she found herself more than thankful. The war would, however, come to her. It was only a matter of time before operatives from the Lotus clan determined that taking down the newly-discovered island monastery would cripple the Tsubaki clan's usage of enchanted items, which they needed for the items' creation, cleansing, and repair. Since an invasion would be noticed and countermeasures taken, the Lotus clan sent groups of ninja in secret to the island, where they went to work. They contaminated the monastery's water supply in the dead of night, then lay in wait to ambush any Tsubaki that came once they dropped off their artifacts. One by one, the monks grew sick. Thanks to both luck and skill Momoko was the first to realize the symptoms, and warned against consumption of the water, but before long the situation had grown dire. The monks that didn't perish from the diseased water suffered from thirst and hunger, wasting away or falling to madness by drinking seawater or in desperation feeding on the island's noxious berries. Momoko alone remained healthy, keeping herself alive by drinking the plum wine from her Umeshu Basin, though it left her in a constant drunken stupor. When the Lotus ninja, having exhausted the monastery's artifacts, finally made their move, Momoko was passed out in the forest away from the temple. When she returned she found the sick slain and the remaining survivors taken away. Laughing bitterly, Momoko helped herself to the head monk's favorite item, the Ikiryo Pipe, then set fire to the temple and waited. When Tsubaki ships arrived, lured by the smoke cloud, they found Momoko unconscious on the dock. She would eventually be found by her parents, but she wanted nothing to do with them, even as the war ended and the Shogun's rule began. Permanently touched by the massive quantity of wine she had drunk, Momoko was never quite the same as before. Of course, she had developed a terrible addiction to alcohol, though by a stroke of luck she was not by nature a malicious drunk. Despite her eccentricities and dependence on her wine, she found abundant work in purification, cleansing, artifice, and healing thanks to her skills and precious artifacts. Discovering that she had a massive resistance to malevolent effects, no doubt a permanent side effect of her wine consumption, Momoko practically threw herself into danger, heedless of (or perhaps even in pursuit of) harm to herself, brute forcing her way through possessions, hauntings, and so forth by all manner of dark spirits, yokai, and mononoke. The pretty, ever-tipsy priestess earned quite a reputation across Kujin's islands and beyond, so it was only natural that Daimyo Mitsuhide would summon her to support his foray to the Island of Screams. [/hider]