[center][h1]Beric Vendal[/h1][/center] [h2]The Discovery[/h2] It had been a full week since he departed from his old bandit clan. One week spent alone, without anyone to watch his back, or to watch over the campsite at night. No conversation to pass the time, no chores or work to be divvied up. The only company was the light of the campfire itself. And Beric was just fine with it. Though he had managed to earn Derrick's trust, and perhaps even friendship, the rest of their disreputable little band had always been somewhat wary towards him. They respected him, and even feared him, but they never liked him. Tension was to be expected in a band of lawless brigands, but for Beric it had always been slightly worse than the norm. Perhaps it had to do something with the predatory look in his eye, or the way he would often use threatens and intimidation to get his way. Yet despite their dislike for him, they had still respected him, or even feared him, and would have accepted his leadership had he stepped up. He hadn't stepped up. The strongest members had been killed in the latest raid, Derrick among them. The rest were either weak or witless. They were unlikely to survive without his leadership, and actually assuming a leadership role would bring him nothing aside from a sense of pride and a somewhat larger share of the loot. Beric decided it wasn't worth the effort of keeping five idiots alive, not when he had his sights set on larger goals. [color=fff200][i]I can help you with that.[/i][/color] A rich, amiable male voice spoke up. Beric leapt to his feet, grabbing his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. He notched it and prepared to draw the string back as he scanned the darkness for a target. The voice sounded like it had come from inside his head, but that couldn't be right... [color=fff200][i]In your bag.[/i][/color] The voice insisted in a calm, helpful tone. Beric was not going to fall for [i]that[/i]. He continued studying his surroundings, then suddenly drew back the string and loosed. The arrow vanished into the bushes, and a rabbit dashed away. [color=fff200]You caught me, I was a rabbit the entire time.[/color] The voice muttered sarcastically, before the tone turned somewhat impatient. [color=fff200][i]In case you haven't noticed, my voice is in your head. I am not here in this forest with you. Now, if you want to find the source of my evidently irritating words, [b]look in your bag.[/b][/i][/color] Hesitantly, Beric crouched down, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as he opened up his bags. For some reason, his gaze was immediately drawn to the mask. A few days before that final tragic job, Beric and the band had robbed a theater troupe. Among the items discovered were several masks. Derrick had ordered each bandit to take one, believing that they would one day be good for intimidation or disguise purposes. They never quite had a chance to prove that theory. [color=fff200][i]That would be me. Part of me, I suppose. Or part of you. Perhaps both. Really depends on how you look at it. Is the glass half full or half-[/i][/color] [color=f7941d]"Get to the point, or you're kindling."[/color] Beric snapped in a deep, slightly gruff voice, laced with frustration at the mask's stalling. The voice inside his head sighed. [color=fff200][i]Very well. My name is Cass. I'm the spirit of a powerful magic-user, who was defeated a long time ago, and can now only communicate through this mask. You seem like a kindred spirit, and I have nothing better to do, so I figured I might as well help you on your quest for power. Speaking of power, you also now have access to some of mine.[/i][/color] Beric narrowed his eyes. He was a skeptical man, and he still had his doubts. But he had to admit, he was somewhat intrigued by the voice's offer, even if it seemed to good to be true. There was definitely more to the story, but first he wanted to see what this mask could do for him before he asked any further questions. There was also the possibility that he had gone mad, but if he [i]was[/i] mad... well, he wasn't sure ignoring the voice would make him any less insane. [color=f7941d]"Show me."[/color] [color=fff200][i]Put on the mask.[/i][/color] [hr] [h2]Silverwick - Several days later[/h2] [color=fff200][i]Stop.[/i][/color] Beric came to a stop. The ruins of Silverwick could be seen in the distance. He couldn't help but feel annoyed. [color=f7941d]"There's nobody nearby. I'd have noticed some trace of them already."[/color] He whispered. [color=fff200][i]Yes, yes, you're very observant.[/i][/color] The voice spoke in a condescending tone that Beric had come to loathe. [color=fff200][color=fff200]Though that's not what I stopped you for. Tell me, what do you know of Silverwick?[/color][/color] Beric sighed. So often did the mask insist on testing his knowledge first before simply telling him what he needed to do. He almost wished he had chucked the damned thing into his campfire, but the magic it had promised was real, and it was effective. Beric had firsthand experience with that, after conjuring the illusion of a wounded girl in the middle of the road, causing a suitable distraction for some travelers who he then proceeded to ambush. There had been another instance, where another ground of bandits hadn't appreciated him waylaying people within their 'territory', and weren't looking for new recruits. They tried to get the drop on him, but he swapped places with one. The others immediately ran in terror, evidently terrified by magic. The final one remained where he was, still processing what happened, so it had been simple enough to put an arrow through his back. Then there was the mask itself, which Beric wore even now, though it was invisible to avoid obstructing his vision. [color=f7941d]"Silverwick was destroyed by the Shadow Legion. Some people you know are gathering for a plan, which you still haven't told me."[/color] Beric growled. He understood why they had chosen to hide out in Silverwick. Ruins were rarely visited, and despite being... well, ruins... they usually had some intact structures that one could seek shelter in. As a bandit, he had sheltered in an old farmhouse or an abandoned watchtower from time to time. What irritated him was the mask's refusal to provide the full details. [color=fff200][i]All true. Though, as you suspected, there is more to the story. Tell me, what do you know of the Shadow-[/i][/color] [color=f7941d]"Just get to the point! I'd like to be there within the next hour!"[/color] Beric snapped in an exasperated whisper. Cass chuckled in amusement. [color=fff200][i]You know you don't have to respond to me out loud, you know? Simply thinking will suffice. Now, if you must know, I am Cassius the Cunning. I am a member of the Shadow Legion. The time has come for us to rise again and cast down the old order. Since we have no bodies of our own, we are delegating this task to whichever young upstarts catch our eye. You're about to meet those young upstarts so that you may develop your abilities and work on a plan. Is that a suitable explanation?[/i][/color] Beric scoffed in disbelief. The voice was mocking him once again. [color=f7941d][i]Pigshit. Now tell me the truth.[/i][/color] [color=fff200][i]Centuries of planning and patience are not be dismissed as 'pigshit'. That is the truth. Though if you want me to fabricate a story, I can. My real name is actually-[/i][/color] [color=f7941d][i]Enough. I'll go to your damned meeting.[/i][/color] That was enough to appease the voice, as Beric considered the implications of what 'Cassius' had just said. At its peak, the Shadow Legion had been great and powerful, poised to conquer the entire world. If Beric could even acquire a fraction of that power... Of course, there was also another issue. The Shadow Legion was, by all accounts, not to be trusted. Especially the one he was supposedly speaking to. That was assuming the voice was even a Legionnaire at all... though if he wasn't a Legionnaire, then what was he? That was a question which dwelled in Beric's mind for some time, though at least he didn't have to listen to that voice for the time being. Keeping his hood up, Beric continued walking, eventually entering the ruins of the city itself. [color=fff200][i]You are not far. The Champions are nearby.[/i][/color] And indeed, Beric could see the smoke of a campfire. He approached with caution, maintaining a low profile, and when the camp itself finally came into view, he spot a number of figures already gathered around it. [color=fff200][i]Go on, introduce yourself. This an important moment in history. Say something memorable.[/i][/color] Beric considered his options. He could send one of the illusions in, but the ruse would inevitably be discovered, and they would think him weak or cowardly. He could sneak in and introduce himself there, but they might mistake his intentions. No, a direct approach was probably best. He began walking towards the camp, allowing the mask to reappear on his hooded face. [color=f7941d]"Cassius sends his regards."[/color] Beric announced, stepping into the light of the campfire.