[@Sanctus Spooki] Ahhhh, gotcha. My response is to stretch a lot and not work out again until the soreness has faded. But DEFINITELY don't take my advice. I've been told working out even while sore is a better treatment than just letting it go. Eventually I guess you just get used to it, but my buddy also takes Amino Acids to help recovery. I just drink to numb the pain and try to bear it until it goes away, to be perfectly honest. I only just regained full functionality of my muscles without soreness, and this workout happened a week ago. But I really am a shitty example to follow. I also had worked out for the first time in months, and that same buddy was basically being my fitness coach. It was a good workout, but the results speak for themselves. Less volume and load would have probably been helpful. I'm gonna stick to calisthenics for the meantime.