[@Rodiak] Price followed from behind the human wizard, but still made sure to keep a good distance at the same time. Juno smiled back before shifting into his cat form and hopped up on Price's shoulder. [hr] [@Rodiak] Tyler didn't having to talk back to customers, but this blind girl was not making it easy. "Summon a demon and I'll leave you with you no help at all." He was getting a little frustrated with her, but did his best not to say anything more. [i]Like she can actually do that.[/i] [hr] [@Scarifar] Ky had heard it too, but he wasn't one to get in the middle someone else's business unless it was a crime. A quarrel didn't seem to fall into that category. He turned attention back to girl. "Alright, see ya later." He had not realized how hungry he was till after she left. [i]Welp, might as well leave here and get something to eat then.[/i] He went towards the exit and left the bookstore. He began looking at all the restaurants, fast food and he saw coffee shops or anything similar as places to snack. He wanted a meal though. [hr] [b]City[/b] Alexander's shark side suddenly got hungry and ran into an alleyway. [i]Probably not the best place to hide, but it'll do.[/i] He saw some dumpsters in the back and hid behind those.