[h1]Lancer[/h1] [i]Understood.[/i] So his Master had chosen the merciful route. That suited Lancer fine, but he could take pride in her kindness later. His opponent had opted instead to hurl another tree at the defenceless enemy. The coward! Attacking the helpless like that! Unfortunately, it left him with no time to strike her down, he had to save the humans before they were crushed. The hulking Lancer burst towards them, his weapon raised. If he could just get in front of it... The tree, which should have launched straight at them, somehow tilted away from them...? Whatever the cause, it gave Lancer just enough time. Coming to a stop in front of the closest child, Lancer raised his blade, embedding it within the trunk of the tree sailing above. With frightening ease, he balanced the tree above him, sighing with relief. It wasn't often that he was overly-concerned with his speed, but being an atypically-statted Lancer could sometimes be worrisome. Still, he'd stopped the tree from crushing the hapless family - even if the strange arc the trunk took wouldn't have directly hit them, there were numerous branches that could have caused serious injuries, and this way, he stopped the tree from at least causing more collateral damage. The opponent, however, escaped. [i]...I've succeeded, Master[/i]. The bearded giant informed Estelle, Unfortunately, [i]I couldn't stop the enemy from escaping. My apologies.[/i] He turned his head towards the figures behind him, polearm held aloft still, "Are any of you hurt?"