[center][h2][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [color=cyan]"Ice melts. Leaves less evidence then an entirely leveled construction site and the damaged properties surrounding it."[/color] Fortuna snorted, releasing her grasp upon her negligent partner's neck to put hands upon the throttles and sending them back to the rooftops with a sudden jolt of ice catapulting them upwards. [color=cyan]"The Detention Club has few rules, but they are common sense to follow."[/color] Normally she'd expect the rebreather to give her voice a suitably cold and menacing tone, but she knew already that Black Shot would respond with her chipper enthusiasm undisturbed by reprimand or the reality of the situation. It wasn't even malevolence or calculation that drove her, which would have been something Kanbaru could work with at least, but a frustrating personality that was almost innocent in its bluntness. Almost. Alas, her night was wasted with little to show for it as what few shadows still littered the city shrank away into the shadows, and with them went any hope of advancing this snowy night. With that dreary realization she swung the bike around and turned towards home. To late to sleep, but she could enjoy a lazy morning breakfast before heading out to school. [color=cyan]"I'm not stopping for you. Just jump off when your closest wherever you want to go."[/color] Left unsaid was the possibility she would have taken Black Shot wherever if she hadn't been a collateral damage Queen. [color=cyan][i]I swear if there was ever a Dark Magical Girl by circumstance, it would be this one....[/i][/color]