On deck the sky was turning from a dark blue to a light one on her right side. Yui was at the helm and thankful for calm seas through the night. Being at sea meant no dead and after yesterday she was grateful for the rest. Her training in the art of Kendo really paid off. Her family sent her away to help her focus on her studies. Now she would return to her family and everything would be fine. Hanzo showed up smiling as always. He was cute but... "Hey ready to take a break? The two new kids are up and about. They seem like good people so go easy on them. Hey don't get any ideas I called dibs on the cutie!" As she turned around to protest she could see him smiling at her implying the joke. She stopped off and down the stairs. "Jerk..." She mumbled as she made her way to the bathroom. It was silent so she opened the door. "What the hell?!" She slammed the door shut red faced and looking down at the floor. So caught up in her embarrassment to even hear the apology from Asano. Why was her heart racing so fast?! Why did it bother her so?! Why was she still able to see him? She had stood there through the apology and as he rushed past her up the stairs to the top deck. She walked into the bathroom in a daze as she finally looked up at the mirror over the tiny sink. her face was still flush. She turned on the water grateful it was cold. As Asano reached the top deck he briefly looked back over his shoulder before looking about. The ocean was everywhere and Hanzo was at the helm. looking about Asano saw the two other girls and Mitsiko. He walked up to her and bowed deeply. "Thanks you for," "It's fine, no need for thanking me. We saved each other." She didn't even look at him before walking off. Asano looked about the boat before walking up to Hanzo. "Hey. Thanks again for the clothes. Where are we?" "You're welcome. I'm glad you could make them work. Well I'm not really sure. I'm not a sailor. Ruyo is and It's her families boat. But she is looking at the charts over there with Mitsiko. That's her name right?" Asano nodded. Hanzo was shirtless by mid day and wore slacks with no shoes. This made Asano want to take off his shoes too. He just stared at her before walking up. Keeping quiet he listened to them trying o figure out where they were and how much further they had to go. "We're drifting off course by five degrees and we will reach japan by tonight if we pick up more speed." "How do you know that?!" asked Ruyo. She looked up at him with doubt. "Well given the shadow of the sun on the mast I can see the boat is off slightly. So we need to turn slightly left and pick up speed before the ocean current takes us further off course. I'm good at math and geometry. You're going North by that compass but the degrees are wrong." Ruyo felt herself become jealous of this kid. She wanted to hit him. She could see there was no intent in him to make her feel stupid but that smile just made her feel... weak. She looked away. "Hanzo, turn the wheel to the left a quarter turn. Mitsiko you and I will open some more sails to pick ups some speed." Ruyo was wearing a skirt and shirt from a school uniform it was still clean. Mitsiko was no longer in his shirt but she kept the tie for her hair, his pants, and dress shoes. As they went off the do that Asano went to the map and looked at it some more as the mast shadow moved. The boat pick up some speed with the unfurling of the rest of the sails. If the wind held they should see landfall just as night fell. He was lost in thought to see the others come up on deck. Soon the commotion of them talking made him take notice. The shirt was a regular T shirt that was a little short and showed off the pants waist band. Yui had also changed from the keno uniform to a button down shirt and slacks. Akana was in a skirt and button down school shirt tied in a knot to expose her waist. She had a small gold earring that hung from her belly button. Akana gave him a wink as their eyes met, which made Asano look away. By mid day the wind died and the sails hung limp by the string and posts. The boat had no engine and the the current would take them off course by a day. "We should drop anchor until the wind picks back up." Ruyo nodded in agreement with Asano though her face grew flush once more. She hit the lever to drop both anchors. The sun was warm on his face and the sky was clear and blue. Ruyo told Hanzo to take a break soon the others went below to get water, make lunch, and only she and Asano were left on deck. "Asano... What were your grades in school?" She hoped he was just average a fluke of her being alone on the ocean and not more than that. Smiling enjoying the sun. "My parents had me enrolled in the accelerated honors program at school Tokyo U. I tested and was given a full scholarship. I was in my senior year when all this broke out." He looked in her direction as the question feel from his head. She was looking down at him with hair covering her eyes. "You're Asano Takeshi?! The boy that was one of the few to receive not just a scholarship but also one of the elite few that advanced so fast! You're like a prodigy and just happen to be on the same boat as I am during all of this?!" Ruyo kicked his arm before going down below. She moved faster until she entered her room and shut the door. She tossed herself onto the bed and buried her face into a pillow. It was him, HIM! The person she had always followed and watched through the news and articles. Ruyo idolized him! And he was here!! Her parents wanted him more than her they pushed her to excel in her studies yet they wanted him... It wasn't fair.