[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/K9dXELV.png [/img] [/center] [h3][center] Benita’s Room, Matou Manor[/center][/h3] [@Breo] [@manythings] “If my failures seem human to you, I guess I’ll try them more often,” Benita told her Servant, wryly. Perhaps this was a step forward at least. Previously, aside from the aforementioned encounter where she had headbutted a Servant’s body, she had been rather straightforward with her Servant, but even so, one could tell that Benita seemed to genuinely enjoy the statement. Whether it was feeling justified in stating that her actions previously were idiotic and condemning her Servant for suggesting her action in them again, or simply believed it was a rather funny situation was left to be seen though. Either way, it seemed that Reiki was fine to let Benita do what she wished. After all, so long as the two served the same person, the “master of the Matou house”, Benita was sure there could be no issue regarding her choices within the war Especially given the fact that her Servant was one that could likely defeat most other opponents, regardless of their strength. Or at least that was the level she expected her Servant to be at. “If you fail me though, I can’t say I would be too happy after talking yourself up so much.” Perhaps it was his cocky attitude, or perhaps it was his radiant armor, or perhaps even his insistence on being called “Lancer Prime” that might have caused Benita to at the very least believe he was either completely full of shit or one of the stronger Servants one could summon in a war. Though the basic information given to her by master’s clairvoyance seemed to back up this claim. At the very least Benita figured she would call a certain someone and let them know she had touched base. [hider=Call] [center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/45YVeBp.png [/img] [/center] [/hider] “Jackal” to “Wild Miller”. Letting you know I have touched base and am currently ready to initiate combat with other Masters. I have summoned my Servant and shall begin to look for opponents.” “Well, I got a few orders from the big guy. Heard about those fireworks from earlier. I want you to go find them and see what they are. Sources say they are likely the work of the war’s ruler, so any information you can get on ‘’em would be good for the war effort. The real question is who summoned a Ruler in this war, or why had a Ruler been summoned to this war.” “And that is what I am here to go find out?” “Bingo, little missy,” “Wild Miller” responded in a rather sly manner, perhaps expecting Benita to understand instantly what he was trying to convey to her without too much though. Or perhaps even just expecting her automated response to his statements. “What I want you to do is go to the crash site and recover the object that lit up the night sky like Christmas. Though I understand you have a basic understanding of tracking, I’m a man of the land, so I think I know a more precise location where the object could have landed. I’ll send you the coordinates and the margin for error.” “Understood, I’ll add these to my map. But don’t call me “little” again or I will block you from contacting me further.” “C’mon now, it is only a little fun, ain’t it? Oh, and be on the lookout for any redskins. Forests always are crawling with them, ain’t they? Over and out.” No, No, they were not ... “Lancer, I have a job for you. We shall leave post-haste.” There was something that she had to take care of at this time. After all, it was very likely that “they” had already taken what she had come to wish to retrieve. And if anything, it could result in a fight. But those were the orders. And orders are orders. Perhaps when Reiki entered the house, she was surprised to see that Benita had vanished from sight. Perhaps she was distracted. Perhaps Reiki had known Benita had left the house. But regardless, by the time she had looked into the house, she was long gone. [h3][center] Outside the Bounded Field, Einzbern Forest [/center][/h3] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Crusader Lord] [@breo] It was a simple command. She had given her Servant the knowledge that was conveyed by “Wild Miller” in his debriefing of the situation. The goal was to obtain the object fired by the presumed ruler of the war. Though it had been a while since the shots were fired, the compound of the Einzberns was rather large. Perhaps they had yet to retrieve the piece. If they had, she could simply leave. All she had to do was a simple action and it would occur. “Go,” was the only word she told her Servant. And the only words of confirmation he should have needed. This was a rather dangerous mission, but she was sure that it would be possible to obtain the objects before the Einzberns if she was lucky. And lucky she was feeling. Unslinging the Accordion from its position in her bag, Benita prepared for any and all counterattacks she could imagine from her “opponents”. She was an external force and they would likely be swarming to expel her Servant, like a foreign invader in a beehive. ...But she was ready. Taking her Accordion, she had summoned two bodyguards in order to protect herself from invaders and was prepared to summon more if need be.