[i]Confusion.[/i] Conflicting thoughts, or rather, thoughts conflicting with their absence. It was not a feeling Matteo woke with, but one he discovered for himself as the salt-scented seconds ticked on into minutes and his mind began to work. The dreamy sense of peace first began to fade as one word—[i]Awaken[/i]— imperative as breath, filled the void. Then another word, [i]Matteo,[/i] followed. His name? That struck Matteo as odd. [i]Of course that’s my name.[/i] More words joined the pair of outliers as his mind reached sleepily for its glasses and slapped against... nothing. No resources. No memories. The solid foundation upon which his thoughts stood had not crumbled— it simply wasn’t there. He felt the dark curls of his hair shift around his ears as he sat up for the first time, heart swiftly beating to life in his chest. His glasses—his real glasses—were set safely on his face. Had he not taken them off the night before? [i]What am I wearing? Was I wearing this when I went to bed last night?[/i] He didn’t know. His frustration ceased a little when he realized there were others in this place with him, and based on the muffled questions he could hear them calling out in the dark, were in the same position he seemed to be in. [i]I really can’t even start to guess what the hell is going on, but it must be a group phenomenon.[/i] There was security in knowing that, at least… Unfortunately, the bewildered group’s focus on “what happened” took a back seat to “what’s going to happen” as with a crack, their dark little world was opened. As they followed the pair of guards, mindless as lost sheep, Matteo cleared his throat. [b]“Some night, huh?”[/b] He kept his voice low and his eyes down as the group moved through the plaza. He didn’t know what else to do but follow their escort— even if the armored duo had something to do with their circumstances, they seemed like the most reliable way to find answers. Besides, wandering off on his own at night when he didn’t know anything— literally anything— about their surroundings seemed like a terrible idea. He swallowed heavily, idly wondering how long it had been since they'd eaten or drank, when they were finally faced with a pale, scholarly figure who called himself a “recruiter.” His eyes drifted to the flask in the man's hand and he swallowed again. [i]Ah. That doesn’t sound good.[/i] To put off the details of what [i]exactly[/i] they were being drafted into (no news was good news!) Matteo raised his hand. [b]“Would you mind telling us a little about this city? Where is it, and what is it called?”[/b] His tone was mild and polite, but firm. If he could just get his bearings…