So I would like to have a small discussion with some of the players in the rp, mostly to make sure we clear out some air about certain stuff (and possibly create some unique rp!) So I'm callin out to [@Rodiak] [@EchoicChamber]. I'm not 100% positive if you guys understand the full scope of how your abilities could affect my character. Specifically, in [@Rodiak]'s case with Aurora, and with Esperanza for [@EchoicChamber], you're both capable of controlling undead. I'm not certain if you've read my character sheet for Ursula, but she is, technically, undead. However, she is also a higher level of undead. So, I was thinking of what interesting stuff we could do. Specifically, if there ever comes a time when the characters are in conflict, I would like to clear up any sort of confusion. Our characters are [i]very similar[/i] in power. My character is, at her core, a necromantic creature. How would you guys like to handle the control we have over our undead minions and spirits? Does the summoner have primary control and other necromancers are incapable of interfering?