[@Reflection] [@Manythings] [@Floodtalon] [@EnterTheHero] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aExv3Zs.png[/img][/center] [center][h1] Fuyuki West, Bank -> The Church[/h1][/center] Swarms, swarms, swarms. They were loud, very loud. Loud like the armies of him numerous like the armies of him fast like the armies of him yet to compare them to anything like the armies of him were an insult to him and berserker himself. They were not even worth fighting something whispered in himself. But that whisper was lost in the torrent of madness that clouded his mind. His thoughts existed, his thoughts existed. Berserker thought and was the king he always was. It simply was buried under that which was forced upon him as a burden by his container. A Berserker that maintained his humanity to an extent. It was simply buried, unseen and unrecognized by any others. However it made him a berserker easier to use. He was the large Emperor, the horned-king who fought not as a single hero but as the wielder of the might of a great empire and its even greater riches So he listened, and he moved as though he were a tool. He was a commander, he was a tool, a familiar. With a roar Berserker burst through one of the nearby walls. His massive axes, almost matching the size of the swarms by their lonesome cleaved through the air,sending shockwaves that pulped their innards through their husks, and cleaved a few unfortunate bugs that drew near him. ▂▃▄▅▆▇██!!! Perhaps another sort of berserker would have been delayed by such a swarm of familiars. But he was not of that sort. Prioritizing completely the order of his master, Berserker appeared by the side of the mage swifter than the descent of the swarms. Rubble spraying everywhere from his passage shot like shrapnel, wrecking havoc everywhere save for where Xerxes was as Darius cleaved down the debris headed towards him into less than dust. Berserker did not take the time to notice the group from the celling, or the various swarms already approaching. Taking Xerxes in one hand he simply retreated. Slipping away with his ability, it was beyond the means of such familiars to chase after him. With a leap that sent ripples through the very foundation of the building and threatened to collapse it like a earthquake, Berserker burst through where no bugs were. If it were merely a matter of chasing after a servant slowed down by a human then perhaps with careful planning the escape could have been contested. But the Berserker was a legendary soul with many great anecdotes of retreat and rebuilding. Berserker left nothing but the completely pillaged husk of a bank, ruined and destroyed, both physically as a structure and in its idea with its riches completely pillaged and the notion of its security demolished. Following his masters orders, they retreated to the church of Fuyuki, hoping for sanctuary. For whoever who discovered them would surely not pursue them into such sacred territory?