[h3]Location – Ursula's Brew[/h3] [@GingerBoi123] [@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [hr] [b][color=#a5abc3]“One Screamin' Bean comin' right on up, handsome!”[/color][/b] Ursula said with a lopsided grin and a waggle of her eyebrows that seemed to promise that Damien was in for a treat. She flourished dramatically and a mug came zipping through the air to land firmly in her grasp. With another overly exaggerated flourish, the appropriate coffee beans came from the overhead shelf and twirled through the air to pour themselves into a skillet. As the beans plopped into the skillet, they began to jump around, and with each jump they made a small “weee!” sound, as if excited. She grabbed a vial of abyssal black liquid from a small fridge beneath her counter, then turned and poured the now-ready beans, now molten-orange in color, into a grinder from their skillet, their excited cacophony of “weee!” continuing even as the grinder made quick work of them. From there she placed a mesh filter over the mug in her hand, poured the beans in, and then, instead of water, poured the abyssal black liquid over the beans. With a flash, the coffee was brewed. Molten-orange with abyssal black swirls. If one listened closely enough, they could hear the brew now saying “ahhhh!” in a low hush of seemingly excruciating pain. [b][color=#a5abc3]“Careful now, it's one of my stronger blends. It might punch you in the face, but you seem like you're up for the challenge.”[/color][/b] She gave him a thumbs up before noticing the customer waiting behind Damien in line. Something about the new guy made Ursula want to run, very, very far. Perhaps it was the look in his eyes? Ursula turned her attention back to Damien. [b][color=#a5abc3]“That'll be $3.25, handsome. I hope to see you around often.” [/color][/b] She gave Damien another charming smile and turned her attention to the new customer. [b][color=#a5abc3]“Welcome to Ursula's Brew, what can I conjure up for you today?”[/color][/b] She said with a careful smile. She couldn't figure out why Mikkish raised her hackles so badly, but hopefully his order would go smoothly and he would vacate her store without incident. She didn't often feel this level of apprehension, even from the more dangerous Inhumans she had come across.