[hider=Master][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/r2Xfl0b.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Lilith (Hotaru Fujikawa) Title(s): Lilith, Midwife of Magi Gender: Female Age: 32 Alignment: Neutral Evil Rank: Objective for the Grail: She will use the grail to reach the root, and use the knowledge she gains to obtain status within the Sires and grow the cult’s following and influence. Personality: The pursuit of life and her pleasures is a driving force in Lilith’s life. She particularly enjoys the pursuit of power, especially over others and, hopefully, life itself. As such, knowledge and magecraft is a means to an end, as are those who ask for her help furthering their own bloodline or “hindering” another’s. As much as her peers frown on murder, and she herself sees it as barbaric, but there are some situations that can’t be solved with words, and as such she isn’t afraid to bloody her hands with a knife or firearm. Still, she does not like to fight physically, and would much rather deal with opponents indirectly and from afar. Bio: Lilith's blood can be traced back across central and southern Europe, as well as Japan. In Europe, her ancestors practiced a form of witchcraft derived from either the Britons or the Germanic people, most of that knowledge is lost to her and her family. Some time during the early 6th century, in Italy, one of her ancestors happened upon a demon in the Alps. To further their knowledge and studies, they made a deal with the demon. Not only did this affect their studies, but it added the blood of a rather lusty demon to the bloodline of this brave magus. Following this, the family became reclusive, travelling across the continent with each generation, moving eastward, to avoid being exposed or caught by witch hunters. Eventually they escaped into Asia. On the Japanese side, Lilith's ancestors were a small family of magi practicing a form of black magic or witchcraft specializing in fertility magic and curses. The family began researching their craft during the early 11th century. The didn’t make themselves known to others for the most part, but occasionally assisted those desperate enough to find them. They also used familiars and curses to punish, either for clients or potentially revenge. Despite this the family remained reclusive, rather than end up on the wrong end of authority. Over time their family began to grow as new members joined or were born into it, and before long the family became a sort of fertility cult composed of a handful of "families" and "bloodlines." Around the late 12th century, while the cult was still in its infancy, the two bloodlines merged via the son of the fleeing Europeans and the daughter of the main family of the fertility cult. The child, they decided, would learn the cult's tradition and the witch's arts he carried would die with him. Over time the foreign features and blood began to thin. With the current ruler and heir, they might as well be fully fledged Japanese. That is not to say the effects of the demonic blood have vanished even if it thinned. It is just more manageable now. Initially the Sires were slow growing, with tight restraints on who learned of their existence, let alone those allowed in, mostly restricted to growing the families. As time went on the reigns were loosened slightly, however it wasn’t until recently, within the last generation, that the cult saw any real expansion. It grew from a small cult of a small handful to dozens of members, however growth was still slow. As such it is the Sires’ goal to increase their size and influence. They hope to achieve this by opening up to other organizations and trading their skills and services to others in the forms of fertility charms and rituals to help further magic lineages. Lilith was born into the Sires of the Seed, a child of prominent members of the cult, themselves descended from one of the original founders. As such Lilith’s blood contains some semblance of the blood of her succubus “ancestor.” Due to being born inside the cult, she was surrounded by “family” the entire time and was well cared for during her developing years, but as the child of a fertility cult, she gained an early knowledge of the Sires’ magecraft and the lurid acts and rituals that go with it. To say she took to it, both sex and the related magecraft, like a fish to water might be an understatement. She even picked up on a much lesser used subset of the “familial magecraft” and learned to use her magic to remove one’s ability to have children in any conventional method, though, like her fellows, she keeps this quiet when she isn’t using it. As her carnal lusts grew, so to did the lust for power and before long, the adult Lilith was craving the title of High Mother. However that positioned relied on the opinions of the eldest members as well as her contributions in the forms of knowledge, practice, and, most importantly, children. It should be no surprise that a cult devoted to sex and fertility would place emphasis on the acts of siring and birthing children. Knowing all of this, Lilith plans to bring back knowledge from the Holy Grail to further the Sires’ craft and use this to gain favor to win the seat of the previous mother. --- Number of Magic Circuits: D Quality of Magic Circuits: C --- Elemental Affinity: Fire Magecraft: All of The Sires of the Seed’s magecraft can be summed up in a few categories, the basics, formalcraft, and witchcraft or black magic. A firm grasp of the basics is necessary to begin with. Formalcraft and to a lesser extent witchcraft are the basis of the studies in the (Cult Name). Most of the members are not derived from any major families so many lack the breeding that creates powerful magi with their carefully bred magic circuits and familial library of knowledge. Instead they rely on rituals and external sources of mana to feed their mysteries. Add to that a study of “witchcraft,” and you get the foundation for the magecrafts used by (Cult Name). As a prominent member of Sires of the Seed, Lilith is well versed in the arts of the specialized fertility magecrafts and curses of her predecessors. She prefers familiars of a Japanese nature, dogs and foxes, using them to gather supplies, manipulate others by possessing them, spy, and sometimes act as conduits to spread or target her spells and curses. By combining her skills in fertility magecraft and her knowledge of curses, she can help propagate lines, or exterminate families by sterilizing them. Finally she is rather fond of potions. Potions of love, aphrodisiacs, some small amount of medicine, and poisons for both the body and the soul. Through a combination of the essence of others, her potions, and her own magecraft, Lilith, like many in the Sires, is able to extend her own youthfulness, improve the chances, almost a guarantee really, of conception, and negate or minimize risk of complications, even those brought on with age. Crest: 5 generations [hider=Weapons] Cupid’s Arrow: A wand that holds charms passed down through the family. The wand itself acts and amplifier, focusing and empowering the charms which contain the actual spells. It was a gift passed down through her family from her great grandmother and the charms contain a small array of illusion and charm spells, as well as a few minor curses to bring ill fortune and disease on her foes. While it isn’t a powerful offensive weapon, it lets her confuse or weaken her foe, assumably, so that she can either escape or fight back on more equal footing. The wand itself is smooth and phallic in shape with a rounded tip. On its shaft are glyphs and kana carved by her predecessors as well as more recent carvings of western symbols. Shibari: An enchanted silk rope that will entangle and bind anything Lilith throws it at after empowering it with her magical energy. It will bind the hands, feet, and body of any human or animal it touches, though it is not particularly strong and can be broken by larger, stronger animals, or easily ignored or broken by spirits or servants. Lilith’s Sting: Just a knife. The design is a stiletto meant for thrusting and stabbing, the length of the blade is about 6 inches. Exceptional Benefit: Support Magi-Having declared her intentions to the Sires of the Seed, the council decided it best offer their support by sending other members of the cult to support Lilith. While they are there to help, she is unsure if that is the only intent.[/hider][/hider]