[img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/avk7j3RTiaA/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Macauley Jeanpaul Beveman [b]Alias:[/b] Mac [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=fff79a]Yellow [/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the line [b]Identity:[/b] Public, semi-famous [b]Character Personality[/b]: I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I came with nomad feet and some wandering toes That walk up my long board and hang off the nose I suppose The need to focus never arose So something like a Swiss army knife That's my life Frankenstein had nothing on this body of mine The villagers still flockin' to see, to see me Breaking free, breaking free Cause I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I got a bartender's ear and beachcomber's style Piratical nerve and a Vaudevillian style I suspect I died in some cosmic shipwreck With all hands spread all over the deck What the heck Then some kind of obscene and unscrupulous mind Began to pick up what he could find Added ice, shook me twice, rolled the dice Now I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye A sailor's legs and a license to fly I got a native tongue from way down south It sits in the cheek of my gulf coastal mouth I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I came with nomad feet and some wandering toes That glide up my longboard and hang off the nose [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] no costume [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Born the grandson of a sailor and the son of a banker, Macauley Jeanpaul Beveman suffered from what his family called “over sensitivity”. The bottom line was that he could not adapt to his father's ways or preferred paths for Mac's life. He never cared to deal with numbers, he was too free-spirited for military work, too lazy for hard work, and too interested in the human condition to be bothered to think about anything else much. He was more like his grandfather, and would spend all the time he could listening to the tales of the sea. In his teenage years, Mac found music a great outlet. This, and to a certain extent acting and writing were the only things that came easy. After his grandfather's death, not being an achiever put a distance between him and the rest of his family. He turned to alcohol and even illegal drugs during the late teenage years, though it never brought him much trouble worse than a barfight after the one time he tried to rob a gas station. He played the bar circuit throughout the southern united states and sometimes got acting work in Miami, where he lived with his cousin for a while. He had a life of just getting by, living from gig to gig. One day suddenly he came into a large amount of money. Though there was an investigation concerning Mac as a possible drug dealer, the charges never stuck and the money did. His life didn't change much with that money, as he didn't know what else to do with it other than pursue his acting and music. In time, he played the slightly larger scenes of Gatlinburg, Branson, music festivals and the like. Full success would come to him in the form of a tv deal. The TV deal brought his name before the public, leading to exposure and financial success for his music career as well. Financial success was not something he was well-equipped to deal with, as his attempts to live a more conventional life as a celebrity resulted in two divorces. Television made his life comfortable, but was never creatively satisfying. It was draining. His two marriages and their romances were inspirations for his music, but so were his divorces. Contiuing to age throughout this part of his career, he became partly frustrated and partly poetic about his life as a sensitive outsider. Music became harder to write, inspiritation more rare. It was starting to feel old, starting to weary him. Mac needed something new in his life. He was on his way to becoming a falling star until the night he saw a falling Star. [b]Hero Type:[/b]Normal [b]Power Level:[/b]A or less [b]Powers:[/b]Empathetic connection- Not actually his power, but the connection he has with Starr because of her power. Starr and Mac can feel each others presence, location, and emotions from many miles apart. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height:5'7” Weight:162 pounds Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level:Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:Normal Human Agility:Normal Human Intelligence:Average Fighting Skill:Untrained Resources:[/indent]Large [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Mac has a band that he travels with for his concerts, an agent who speaks to him on the phone and arranges acting jobs, and an angry ex-wife. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] We'll see if I can figure out this one. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [color=fff79a]"I was talking to my friend Desdemona a while back. She runs this space station and bake shop down near Boomtown. she told me that human beings are flawed individuals. The cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early. and that's the reason we're as crazy as we are and I believe it. Do you know what's crazier than that, friends and neighbors? We ain't the only ones. Take for example the first time I took my friend Starr out into the world just to get some dinner.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Starr...don't!!”[/color] But she had done it. Just flat cut out. The blue alien wearing clothes that were too big for her opened the door of his pickup truck and got right out while he was in motion and gone right to the open world and the open door of a restaurant. This was not the stangest thing he had seen in his life, it was only the most recent outcome of the strangest thing he had seen in his life. By the time he had parked his pickup, there would probably be another example as the unsuspecting citizens reacted to whatever she was going to do in there. It was a hard enough thing being a celebrity in a little town in Arkansas, but Starr was about to take things to a whole other level. By the time he had exited the truck, there were people running out of the place. They were panicked, but Starr wasn't. Starr wasn't concerned with much more than thirst at the moment. That, and growing confusion. At least she wasn't angry, and Mac knew that meant the people were safe at least. “[color=fff79a]Pardon me, yall. Let me take care of this for you[/color]. “ Mac nodded to one of them at random while speaking loudly enough so that the small group around could also hear him. At least the ones that weren't panicking. Turning the little corner, Mac took in the view of the shapely blue alien trying to drink from a ketchup bottle while one waiter cowered in the back, one waitress tried to get her attention, and one manager stared speechless at the whole proceding. The bottle of mustard already had it's lid removed as did the bottle of...barbeque sauce? Mac laughed out loud at that before realizing that laughing was the wrong thing to do for everyone else concerned. Starr glared at him, showing the letters she had typed out on her pad [color=6ecff6]W-A-T-E-R[/color]. Mac kicked out the chair and sat down, leaning toward her a bit “[color=fff79a]That ain't water Starr...hey, can we get some water and menus...well, only need one I guess. We'll be good from here, I promise. “ [/color] The less scared waitress managed a nod at him, and Mac felt things were starting to get in hand a little better. [color=fff79a]“Now, Starr, I told you don't go walking off on your own like that.[/color]” Mac started in, but Starr cut him off just by looking into his eyes and flashing the [color=6ecff6]“W-A-T-E-R” [/color]word at him once again. This was what passed for an argument between them, which seemed to be necessary almost every time he was trying to teach her something. He knew he was safe during these arguments though, at least after that first time where she actually did give him a burn mark with her light powers. Starr couldn't stand to look at the scar from that, though it was starting to heal up now. In order to win the argument and teach the lesson, Mac grabbed the barbeque sauce and shook it at her saying [color=fff79a]“NO Water”[/color]. Then he tapped the mustard the the ketchup, adding less vehemently [color=fff79a]“no water”[/color] Starr took the ketchup from his hand and handed him her pad. He knew by now what she wanted[color=fff79a] “You like that one? [color=fff79a]That's ketchup. [/color]“ He pushed the buttons on her pad K-E-T-C-H-U-P and turned it back over [/color]to her. When the waitress came back with the water and the one menu, Mac already had the order “[color=fff79a]Cheeseburger and cold beer[/color] “ Immediately, he heard the angry thud of the too-small glass hit the table and saw Starr getting up and following the waitress. “Sit, Starr!” he yelled at her, drawing an irate look somebody at another table. It was going to be a long night.