[@Blondie][@HeroicSociopath][@Altered Tundra][@Matador][@Duthguy] Alright, I have five people. This is perfect. I have a character sheet created already for you guys to dabble with. If you're all still in I'll have the OOC up by tomorrow. [code][hider=character name] [center] [img]link here[/img] [i](character quote here - give us a taste of their persona)[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] (self explanatory.) [b]Alias:[/b] (nickname, secret identity.) [b]Title:[/b] (knight, sir, honcho, captain, tyrant, king, agent 47. Things like that.) [b]Meaning:[/b] (meaning of your name? optional but it does have it benefits.) [b]Species:[/b] (human, demon, or spirit) [b]Gender:[/b] (male, female, or nothing at all) [b]Sexuality:[/b] (homosexual, heterosexual, or something else) [b]Real Age:[/b] (accurate age) [b]Age Appearance:[/b] (how do they appear to others) [b]Appearance:[/b] (how do they look - optional if you have a picture. You can delete this if so) [b]History:[/b] (1-2 paragraph describing your characters overall, history and beliefs.) [b]Personality |[/b] [list][*] Good trait [*] Good trait [*] Good trait [*] Bad trait [*] Bad trait [*] Bad trait [*] Neutral trait [/list] [b]Power and Techniques |[/b] [list][*] Core Power - (The power that the rest will be derived from - weak transformation are allowed for sensible candidates.) [*] Technique #1 name - (descriptive) [*] Technique #2 name - (descriptive) [*] Technique #3 name - ( descriptive) [/list] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] (nothing overpowered. IE. Kurama's rose or Hiei's sword) [b]Theme:[/b] (completely optional)[/hider][/code] Let me know if you guys think anything should be added to the character sheet.