Operation Sunrise was a go, what was it exactly? No on really knew outside of the Viscount and his board of Generals. Old men from his father's generation but they were still ready to serve faithfully. They knew how to run the army, and how to run a fight but perhaps they were outdated. Regardless, they were needed - required by the people to fulfill their duties. It had been earlier this month when the Viscount had called a general meeting - a meeting that rarely happens. Everyone showed up, the wrinkled old faces of the men sat at the table as the young, cool and calculated leader spoke on a very special plan. Not a word was leaked from the room on strict orders, it was on a need to know basis. On the business end of the bureaucracy was some diplomatic meetings, in the shadows and back rooms. As of yet nothing had occurred, no magical trade deals or alliances. However, the Vignentino ordeal appeared to be put on back burner while big issues were dealt with. Like technological developments, yes it was time to advance in the world once again. A few signatures later Zach Nato authorized more work to be done with the corporations of Julia - this time Thamber and SEM. Thamber Corp, in their ever-growing ambition, would go to build a special piece of artillery for the highest bidder. Eventually, as for SEM they would work on the next rifle for the next major war. Something far East was kicking off, so the telegrams say - good timing to invest in the future. In the end one of the Major 5 will come to Julia for premium, cost affordable weaponry when the shit hits the fan Julia will be there to fan it. Zach stood out to the balcony overlooking the sprawling city of Julia, holding a glass of Julian Wine he took a sip. His son Zach Nato the II stood close by as his father began to speak. "It's all coming to plan Zachariah, soon the world will change for the better." Far better engrossed in other things, Prince Zachariah ran over sales and statistics for Triple M. "Yes father." The young sixteen year old said. (+2 Military Action)