As he made a beeline straight for one of the many vendors located in Camelot, William heard a distinctive pop of sound in his headset when the audio connection activated. He couldn’t help but smile when a moment later, a familiar voice spoke, especially when he was able to detect the smile in that voice. He chuckled. “ if you change your mind about it, just let me know.” He responded, his voice a pleasant, smooth baritone. An indicator popped up on his mini map that Scarlet’s mage was close by, a small green dot moving across the city layout and marking her position. Will quickly clicked through his inventory, selling off the worthless junk, before turning his elf warrior, Valdin, in her direction, running through the streets to meet up with her. “ i’m cool going to the Deep Bog.” He said after a moment of thought, absently rubbing at the end of his nose. “ I really like the layout there. And I wouldn’t say no to a new sword.” He released a soft huff of amusement. He then brought his character to a stop, typing in a command that made his character wave one of his hands enthusiastically, before proceeding to then make him bow and say a short greeting. The myriad of actions that he could have his character do was one of his favorite aspects of the game.