[@Ninja][@Otaku95][@KatKook] Before any combat starts, I want to make sure this is okay with everyone. I realized that fighting will be a heavy part of this RP, so I've decided to use a d20 to decide if the monster or the human hits. [url=https://www.wizards.com/d20modern/d20mdice/dice.htm]Click This For A d20![/url] So this is the dice roll breakdown(monsters and hunters): [list] [*]20 Critical hit [*]16-19 Major hit [*]11-15 Minor hit [*]6-10 Miss [*]1-3 Major Miss [/list] Damage [list] [*]20 = 120 dmg [*]16-19 = 80 [*]11-15 =40 [*]Miss none [*]Miss and you get punished for the major miss [/list] Each monsters will have different HP. All hunters will have 250 HP. Potions restore 40 HP Mega Potions restore 80 HP Max Potions restore all HP(only 2 are allowed) Armorskin lowers 10 dmg points from an attack unless it's critical Mega Armorskin lowers 20 from all attacks Demondrug raises 10 dmg per attack Mega Demondrug raises 20 dmg per attack And I think that is all for now...? I'm writting up the intro right now, so hold tight!