Pinpointing Teroiah by scent precisely enough to target her through the illusion was easier thought than performed. But it was not impossible. She had a fashionable perfume applied, even beyond her unique Altmer odor. It was just a matter of determining direction. Just as Meesei began to narrow her perceptions, a purple light leapt out from the illusion to her direct left, dislodged from the scent. So swiftly did one of Teroiah's signature dispelling chains shoot forth that Meesei hardly had the time to direct her ward. But in the blinking instant before it landed, it disappeared without so much as an echo. Another chain leapt forth from a different direction. It looked just as real. It disappeared just as suddenly before impact. Once again, the Ring of Hircine proved its worth to Meesei. Having such threats strike like snakes from all directions would have driven most werewolves to anxious rage. Another chain feinted. And another. Teroiah's voice called out from ten places at once. "Out of your depth, Argonian?" She said, still angry, yet subdued enough to put listeners ill-at-ease. Another chain struck out and disappeared. "You were never meant to get this far..." When the next chain sprung out of the warping facets of the illusion, two more joined it from different directions simultaneously. One landed directly upon Meesei's ward. She barely drained a trace of magicka from the spell, for it tore apart the foundations of the ward around it. It sucked away magicka like an oversized leech. Fortunately, the chain burst into nothingness before Meesei's ward was broken, but she could feel the toll it took. Meesei could not stay on the defensive for much longer. Teroiah's reputation was well earned. Meesei could still smell Teroiah, though the one real dispelling chain came from a warped direction thanks to the illusion. She could not simply strike at its origin. What Meesei did have was a better idea of where Teroiah was located behind her illusion. With a moment longer, Meesei could be confident of where Teroiah was standing. But she could alternatively take the moment to strike in what she knew was Teroiah's general direction.