[center] [h2][color=f26522]Aurora Liesma[/color][/h2] [sub]Bride of Zakroti [@darkwolf687]; Sister-Bride to Aymiria [@Amethyst][/sub] [sub]Interacting with Zakroti and Aymiria[/sub] [/center] Zakroti was quick to remove her arms from around his neck, something she found rather interesting given everything she had been led to believe about his kind. Aurora allowed her arms to be removed from their place around his neck unhindered, though fighting it would have been useless in the long run anyways. She caught a movement from the corner of her eye, shifting her gaze to spot Miry finally making her entrance. Aurora had to keep her face from twisting into a smirk, instead turning her attention back toward the Drakkan before her. “A curious word to use, pets. Not at all the term I would use. Tell me, why do you choose it? And do you find this to be some form of amusing game? You know of what I speak.” The man spoke with a stern tone, warning her that she had managed to touch on a nerve. She had little doubts that it had something to do with the weakling making her way from the outskirts of the room. Something inside of her wanted to keep picking at the girl, but she had reached a line she knew she wasn’t prepared to cross just yet. Messing with Zakroti wasn’t going to work in her favor, she would just have to find other ways to get to Miry. “[color=f26522]Would you prefer the term toy? It is, after all, all we are meant to be in this land. We watch year after year as girls are chosen and torn away from their homes to be presented to you lot as livestock.[/color]” Aurora moved from one side of Zakroti’s chair to the other, her fingers tracing across his shoulders as she passed behind him. “[color=f26522]We’re wrapped up all pretty like gifts…[/color]” With each word she spoke, Aurora’s voice became more and more tainted with her distaste. Leaning in closer she ran her finger underneath his chin, though there was none of the fake seductress act behind it this time around. “[color=f26522]We’re taught how to kneel before you... how best to [i]pleasure[/i] you.[/color]” Contempt was clearly shown on her face as she pulled away, leaning back against the table as she continued on her tirade. “[color=f26522]But do you know what it is that they wanted to be sure we knew was most important? It wasn’t the fact that somehow we’re worth our weight in gold yet not worth a social standing higher than slave… No, it was the fact that our sole purpose is offer ourselves up to you in the hopes that we’ll survive long enough to birth a small… excuse me... giant, nubby horned Drakkan baby that will one day grow up and earn one of our sisters for himself.[/color]” Aurora paused a moment to breathe, gathering her composure as best she could. “[color=f26522]Pet is rather generous if you ask me.[/color]” Her eyes tracked Miry to her seat, the fire Gem relaxing backwards against the table as she purposely ignored Zakroti’s secondary question. Even though most everyone else had sat by now, Miry included, Aurora still found herself on her feet. She wasn’t one to tire quickly, but it was more than just a preference to standing… She had no reason to trust the man before her. Even less a reason to trust the girl who sat beside him. To sit and dine with them felt wrong to her, down to the very core of who she was. Zakroti seemed unconcerned by it though, sipping calmly at the drink in his goblet before asking her yet another question. "Do you drink? It's Mazjamma, brewed at Aylmoras if I am not mistaken. Worth a try if you've never had it, though I warn you it tastes somewhat bitter." Aurora couldn’t help but laugh out loud at such a statement, a true, genuine sound that echoed about the hall despite the cacophony of voices. “[color=f26522]I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but bitterness is something I’m more than a little familiar with. What’s a few more drops?[/color]” She countered, pausing to listen to the man swear his honesty to whatever questions she might ask. The words were echoed by the small figure sitting on his otherside, a thoughtful expression crossing Aurora’s features before she finally sighed and took her seat. She signalled her wish for the drink in which Zak had spoke of, speaking no words as she thought of what questions she wanted to start with. There were so many that rushed through her mind at once, so many things that she wanted to know. Who was it that had struck her sister down, where was Zakroti when it was all happening… why, of all the people present, why was it her sister who had to die? [i][color=f26522]Instead of her.[/color][/i] There was another question, however, that bubbled it’s way to the surface. Her parents hadn’t spoken about the body at all, nor mentioned any words that might have been sent with them. They had been heartbroken and had little closure, simply wrapping the girl back up and burning her body as was traditional in her town. If they could not have their explanation, Aurora would have one on their behalf. "[color=f26522]Why did you send her back to us? You could have just tossed her aside… or buried her yourself. Were you trying to rub it in our faces? Was mourning her once not enough for you that you had to see us mourn her a second time?[/color]” She asked, her voice beginning to raise in volume toward the end before she regained control over it. If she had learned anything about the man she spoke to, it was that screaming at him was unlikely to produce any results. Such a move would be wasted energy and a chance that she would learn nothing more about what happened. “[color=f26522]And what about [i]her[/i], the Shattered one. Why wasn’t she sent home like my sister was, bloodied and lifeless? Why was she spared and my sister slain?[/color]” While able to contain the volume this time around, Aurora was incapable of concealing the venom that leaked into her words. She all but spat them down the table into Miry’s face, regardless of the fact that neither girl seemed to be willing to properly look at the other for the time being. [hider=Summary] Ro is spicy… Very spicy. Like femnazi style of spicy. Asks some questions and insults Miry again… at the same time. Real class act this one. [/hider]