[b][h2]Narrator[/h2][/b] The outside of the camp looked as if it was years ago that people ever came here. It was a big field of unhealthy grass that was surrounded with trees of which the leaves looked yellow out of a lack of sunlight. The sky looked dark, as if it was supposed to be raining big time, almost every day the whole day. In the middle was a pile of wood that was meant for a campfire with which a girl was sitting that didn't quite look like she had experience with being the leader of a camp. On the left and right were several cabins to find with little numbers hanging next to the door. When you went to the back of the camp you first went through a sport field with broken goals, meant for a game of soccer. If you went even further you would see some wilted flowers like at the entrance and a big lake with dirty water where a small amount of sick fish were living in. Two wooden benches who were each strong enough to hold two people were there with a great look on the lake of you sat on it. At the entrance, there was a big archway out of wood and some wilted flowers and plants. Someone put a sign there with the wrongly spelled words: 'Wellcomme In Hell'. What happened there exactly before the ground was used for this camp?